#BringOurGirlsBack : Call it what you want, I just want equality

Call it what you want, I just want equality

Call it what you want, I just want equality.

This is like GAG's favorite topic. We all hear it everywhere: feminism and how it is bad or good. To be honest, I have mixed opinions and I'm not sure about being a feminist or not. I called myself a feminist for the first time 1 year ago. #BringOurGirlsBack was all over the Internet and I needed to know about it.

Well, what happened is that girls are not allowed to study in countries such as Nigeria. This broke my heart and I this movement called "feminism" started getting bigger and bigger. At that moment I was clueless, but the idea of women having same rights as men sounded totally good in my head, why not? Why girls shouldn't study? Feminism would be an amazing thing if they would truly fight for that kind of things. Real problems.

Some days ago someone on GAG told me I was clueless about the stuff feminism is doing. Let's say I know some stuff but I have other priories and I haven't read too much about the subject so yeah, I'm clueless. What this GAGer showed me was a terrible video about feminist women blaming men because the air conditioner was too cold for women. They were saying men were unfair for having such low temperatures knowing women can't tolerate cold as good as men. I couldn't believe that women were worrying about such a stupid subject, who cares about that crap? It's not important. In that moment I knew why so many men are against this.

Radicals feminists are going too far and are not doing anything for the real problems women face. I know many men want women to study and work too, I know some men respect women but I know they are not that tolerant when it comes to insult them for just having a penis. Radical feminists or how I like to call them, "feminazis", are making men look like rapists and make women look like heartless bitches.

Some time ago I saw something on Facebook about a man being raped by a woman... On the comment section I saw something that broke my heart: you go girl. I don't think ruining a guy's live is something to celebrate. The guy was raped. What would women say if a girl was raped and some dude would say "hell yeah dude, good job", the dude could go to jail XD but like a girl said it, there's no problem, that's not sexist because a woman said it.

All I want to say to say with this is that if feminism is truly about equally, count me in. I wanna be part of a better world. Part of a nonevent that truly benefits the human race. But if feminism is about females and its problems, forget it, men count to me too. And sorry for making you read this, all I want to say is that I'm an egalitarian who care about humans.

#BringOurGirlsBack : Call it what you want, I just want equality
Post Opinion