34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video


I was bored and I haven't posted anything here in awhile so I figured I would give this a go. Recently saw this video:

Which a bunch of women ask the entire male sex a bunch of moronic questions. I am here to answer them, since I am a male. Note: I do not answer for the entire male sex, I only answer for myself unless I mention specifically that I answer the entire male sex. Ok, let's go.

1. How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump?

Don't know, never thought about it.

2. Why do you hate romcoms?

Because they are boring, and are usually trash. I'm a hopeless romantic myself and can acknowledge the poetic power of romance on the big screen but watching those made-for-tv movies you see on the Hallmark Channel on weekend mornings don't appeal to me at all.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

3. Why do you make women sit around and talk about men in movies when men can talk about boobs for hours?

I genuinely do not understand this question, I've never had a conversation about boobs last longer than 5 minutes. Not a whole lot to talk about.

4. Why do you automatically assume you won't like TV/movies that star a female lead?

For me personally, I find it hard to relate to female characters. I like movies where characters are challenged to do the right thing and grow as people. Many of these movies that have female protagonists make it so she is already good at everything and just has to save the day the end. Ie: The Hunger Games.

5. Why are you surprised when women are funny?

I wouldn't say surprised but female comedians tend to be not as good as male comedians, sorry if that's sexist. Sarah Silverman does 45 minute stand up shows about black people and Amy Schumer does the same thing, except its about her vagina. There are some funny female comedians but they aren't mainstream.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

6. Why do you think we are obsessed with you when we hookup

Cause you make posts on GAG about why the guy you slept with hasn't called you in days after you had sex.

7. Why can't I sleep with as many people as I want to without being judged? When men do it, they're congratulated

It tends to be a sign of moral poverty. I don't congratulate men who sleep with many women, I think of both the same.

8. Why do you consider a women a tease if she doesn't sleep with you after 3 dates but a slut if she sleeps with you on the 1st date?

I don't engage in "hookup culture" so I would say sleeping with someone after 3 dates is still too fast. Some men just take you out to eat so you'll get in bed with them, some women enjoy that sort of thing. That is seen as slutty behavior to many.

9. In what world does no mean yes?

The same world where yes means no and "I'm fine" means "I'm not fine."

10. Why do you say women are too emotional to be leaders but justify catcalling by saying men can't control themselves?

I've never justified catcalling but it seems to me that the feminist definition of it is when a man who is ugly/poor tries to talk to you. Personally I think men are better natural leaders but anyone can take leadership courses these days, don't think it means a whole lot.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

11. Why do you think just because you're nice to me, I owe you my body?

I don't, men who do this are what we call "nice guys," don't be a nice guy.

12. Why would you send an unsolicited dick pic?

Cause social media makes it possible, that's really it.

13. Why do you think it's ok to harass women but when someone does it to your sister it's not ok?

Since we've previously established that for feminists being harassed is actually code for when a poor/ugly man talks to you, I don't want sleazy guys around my sister but if is a good man then I don't mind.

14. Why do you feel the need to interrupt me while I'm making a point during a meeting?

Some people have poor manners but in my personal experience it's actually women who seem to have more of a problem with listening while others are talking - but I think its more of an individual thing and doesn't reflect an entire sex.

15. Why do you sit with your legs wide open?

Because it's uncomfortable to sit with them closed.

16. Why are women perceived as the weaker sex, even though we birth you?

Because you are the weaker sex. In the early 2000s the Australian women's national football team played a team of middle school aged boys and lost 7 - 0. If women were as fit as men, they would have blown the middle school team away, rather than the opposite.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

17. Why is it so bad to show your emotions?

I will borrow my answer from someone else who explained it well. Back in caveman times the man was expected to go out and hunt for the family, well there would not always be food to bring back. The caveman father knows he can't go back to the cave visibly upset or it will cause big problems with his family, he needs everyone to stay calm. So he goes back and acts pretty much like he always does and order is kept in the caveman house because he played it cool. Also consider that men show less emotions because we are not so easily affected by them and are better at controlling them at inappropriate times.

18. Why are you always trying to prove your masculinity?

Ha, you're implying I am trying to prove anything and I am not naturally masculine. Competition is healthy and normal for men, competition challenges us to be better and push ourselves. You should be happy we compete otherwise many of us would be lazy slobs with no ambition, we don't want to be like that and you shouldn't want us to be either. Men need reasons to do things, we can't just get up every morning for the hell of it. There has to be a reason the sun shines for us.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

19. Why the fuck isn't it ladylike to cuss?

Traditional femininity revolves around beauty, eloquence and grace. Swearing like a sailor isn't very graceful or eloquent. Even if we got rid of the idea of traditional femininity, saying fuck every other word is trashy, it goes for men too. Men just get away with it more since we're the less evolved sex.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

20. Why is it your first instinct to doubt women who have been sexually violated or raped?

Because it's easy to claim someone raped you and have their entire life ruined, even if they dont get found guilty in court. If your name appears in a sentence with the word "rape" your reputation is ruined. Good luck trying to get into school or finding a job, no one wants a supposed rapist. That being said, if there is proof you are raped then rightly so is their life ruined. I am American and I still believe in the seemingly ancient Anglo-Saxon concept of justice that says innocent until proven guilty.

21. Why do you assume a woman is angry because she's on her period?

There is a scientific explanation behind why women are more grumpy on their periods, and its more than just because she's in pain. In my experience they have shorter tempers during that week.

22. Why do you think women who wear makeup are false advertising? We could say the same about your dick size

I don't put makeup on my penis so I don't understand the connection. Its pretty easy why we don't like makeup, ugly girls put on makeup and they look hot. Then they take it off and are ugly again which makes you realize the huge mistake you've made, it's like being caught in a mouse trap. You thought it was some peanut butter but it was actually a broken neck.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

23. Isn't it weird that a bunch of old white men sitting in a room together making legislation about what I can and can't do with my body?

Get used to it. They've regulated my body to go to war since 1776. Are you really that upset over (potentially, it isn't illegal) not being able to spawnkill your children?

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video

24. Why are straight guys obsessed with lesbians?

I think lesbians are gross. The women you see in girl on girl porn are heterosexual women out of their mind on drugs doing it for money, just like most pornstars. :)

25. How does it feel to get kicked in the balls?

It hurts, a lot. Many doctors suggest getting kicked in the balls DOES hurt more than giving birth but the pain does not usually last so long - if you are lucky.

26. Do you ever get tired of trying to be manly all of the time?

No, it comes naturally, I don't have to try at all. I already told you this.

27. Why are you so afraid of gender equality?

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video
I think equality is a fairy tale used by the elite class to keep you hungry for more. What you say is equality today will be injustice tomorrow, it is a thirst that can never be quenched.

28. How do I deserve to be paid less than you?

The wage gap is a myth and has been proven false, I will not entertain the thought it exists. Anyone who thinks it does is willfully ignorant.

29. In what world does 77 cents equal a dollar?

See previous answer

30. In what world does 68 cents equal a dollar?

See previous answer

31. Why are you intimidated by a woman who makes more money than you?

I personally don't care. Some men may see it as a threat their role in the family, who needs a husband when you do it better yourself.

32. Why are opinionated women seen as bitches when opinionated men are seen as bosses?

Because they get together and formulate ways they can show their intellectual superiority over men like this is some kind of cold war, which manifests itself into a video posted by Buzzfeed on the internet.

33. Why aren't you speaking up when your male friends, behind closed doors, say offensive things about women?

Why do you care what I talk about behind closed doors? Would you prefer they said it to your face so you can get all upset and post about it on facebook? There is no reason why anyone should care what other individuals are thinking 24/7 so they can control it, that is quite Orwellian. The fact you are so bothered by the thought of someone saying something you don't like, even if it has no effect on you at all, is astounding to me.

34. Why are you so afraid of recognizing your own privilege?

Privilege seems very similar to the concept of original sin to me. That and that there is an invisible force that oppresses billions of people all at once, but only certain people can see, makes me think Feminism is more like a religion. As a Christian is a great sin to worship false gods, so I must reject feminism.

*I guess I missed two questions, they are probably on here combined with another question. It's nothing personal, I'm just a dumb man that can't count afterall.

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video
That's all folks!

34 Answers for the Buzzfeed Feminists' Questions for Men Video
36 Opinion