Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates


I am writing this after seeing someone user the term; Kool Aide Drinker as a political insult.

Regardless of your political beliefs there are words that no one should use in political debates as they are immature and make you impossible to take seriously; Here are several that need to go away.

1. Sheeple

Words that have no place in political debates

This term is so hard to take seriously that I'm amazed that anyone uses it for anything other than a joke. Now comparing your political opponents to sheep does nothing for your cause and really just makes you look bad.

2; libtard, conservatard, really adding tard to any ideology you don't agree with.

These terms do nothing for you and quite honestly they make you sound like a middle schooler and honestly middle schoolers have an excuse for being so immature.

3. Seriously using the term fascist for anything other than actual fascists,

Here are two pictures of actual modern day fascists

Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates

Thats the head of the British National Party; An Actual Fascist.

That is George Lincoln Rockwell the founder of the American Nazi Party; An Actual Fascist.

Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates

Here are pictures of people who are not fascists;

Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates

Former President George W. Bush; Not a fascist, a decent if incredibly stupid and guillible man but not a fascist.

Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates

President Barack Obama; Not a Fascist.

You see Fascism is a very specific ideology and the fact is that people throw it around all willy nilly without realizing that. Nazis are Fascists, Joseph Stalin was a Fascist disguised as a communist, Benito Mussolini was a Fascist. However Fascist is not simply an ideology you disagree with, it is a very specific ideology.

Anyway, thats really all I have to say about this at the moment.

Words That Gave No Place In Political Debates
3 Opinion