What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?


Before you begin thinking that I'm some sort of "feel good" liberal, let me be clear that I am:

- An American (United States variety)

- NOT a Democrat or Republican

- a Consitutionalist

- NOT radically right or left politically

- A believer in not only The First Amendment, but the entire Bill Of Rights

I am NOT a proponent of "everyone gets a trophy".

What are we teaching our children... and each other... about name calling?

In life, there are winners and losers, and maybe those that just play the game and are neither. Life's hard, put on a helmet and get out there. People that act entitled to material things, money, succes, etc. just make me shake my head. Did your parents really teach you that? Mine didn't.

What about calling other people names? Did they teach you that too? What productive purpose does it actually serve?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

Again, please don't go thinking I'm some sort of mamby-pamby "safe zone" proponent that hugs trees and sings "we are the world". Not even close. That's not real life.

Being a girl, admittedly, I'm more sensitive to certain slurs that offend me when I hear them. But not all of those slurs are gender related. For instance, the infamous "N" word offends me deeply. And I'm white.

Here a couple of screen shot examples that I find interesting:

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

The word "slur" is in the bottom 50% of words, while the word "slut" is in the TOP 40% of words. Interesting.

Now, I've seen many GaG users defend the word "slut" with logic like "well if it walks like a duck, it's a duck". No, actually if it IS a duck, then it's a duck. If it walks like one, it may or may not be one. A duck is a species, not a behavior. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, look up the definition of "promisucous", which will lead to to the word "many"....see where that takes you. Come back and try to tell me that it's not subjective.

That aside, let's put a different spin on this for those of you that think it's ok to call some one a name - label them with a slur - based on their life choices. The way they choose to look or behave.

It's disturbing to me how people pick and choose what slurs are "off limits" offensive, while other's remain perfectly socially acceptable because "that person is does this or that". So because they choose to dress or act a certain way, your "Right to Free Speech" makes it ok for you to call them a name. I think well over 90% of us would agree that the N-word as a racial slur is about as offensive as one can get.

But what about these choices?

This girl chooses to wear a hijab. If you don't agree with her choice, is it OK to call her a r@ghead?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?


These guys are a gay married couple. If you don't agree with gay marriage or homosexuality in general, is it socially acceptable to call them "f@ggots"?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

Not Really!

So why are we being selective with our children (and each other) about using slurs and calling people names? Why are we telling each other it's ok to call a woman a slut or a whore "if she deserves it"? Because you don't agree with the way someone acts or dresses, even if it has no effect on your life?

This is NOT a gender specific issue. It is NOT ok to call two gay guys "f@ggots".

Ok, now go ahead and give me your "well if a person murders someone, that makes them a murderer" argument. That doesn't hold up. That's not a slur, that's a desciptive factual word regarding a crimnal conviction. Not subjective.

The world is not, and never will be a "nice" place.

I get that. The world can be cruel. Life can be tough. No one owes you anythying. But how hard is it, and what's wrong with at least attempting to be nice...to treat others the way you'd like them to treat your loved ones? Why would we want to teach our kids that calling someone a name is somehow a good thing to do? And why do we as adults encourage each other to do so? It just seems to me, that in a civilized society, wherein there are so many intelligent and emotionally developed people, that this is playground bully behavior. It's not only unbecoming, it simply serves no legitmate purpose.

Webster's definition is below. Insulting someone. What possible good could that ever do?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

I hear all the time things like "if you can't handle people saying mean things to you, don't get on the Internet". Sadly, that's kind of true. But why does it have to be that way? Is it useful in any way? I'm thick skinned, so I don't take it personally. But I still wonder why people feel the need (or worse the right) to do it.

Another sad thing that is largely true is:

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

I'm fully aware that I have my share of haters here. Say what you will. Name calling serves no purpose, and I cannot imagine those of you that are parents wanting to teach your children that it does. It would be much preferred, if we could try to engage thought, before we open our mouths. Just try it sometime. Maybe before calling someone a name, look in the mirror first. Is there something in your own life that someone could call you a name for? Would it be helpful to you in anyway?

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?

Peace Y'all

What Are We Teaching Our Children... And Each Other... About Name Calling?
10 Opinion