Your Guide To Protest-Voting In 2016 (USA)


Are you tired of hearing the phrase "gotta back a winner," which means you have to back whomever the Establishment wants, so that your vote won't really matter because they own the result and can bend it to their will?

Would you rather make a winner than be a serf to an enemy foreign entity's interests? Would you rather be a true citizen than a mere subject?

Then let this be your guide!

Andrew Jackson has often been vilified in textbooks, based solely on that whole Trail of Tears incident. (That a handful of those Indians actually were committing horrific crimes is glossed over.)

But there was one thing he got right: World Banks are ponzi schemes, and detrimental to liberty. The UN, once established to allow nations to maintain their sovereignty without fighting each other, has been perverted into a political death cult in league with the Muslim Brotherhood (as I like to call it, the Brotherhood of Evil Muslims) and various global banking cartels. It now seeks to destroy sovereign nations. Had latter US presidents followed Jackson's advice to "kill the bank," this mess would never have happened.

Yet, it did. And the Establishment's overreach bears eerie resemblance to Marvel's Hydra organization, as seen in Captain America 2. Granted, they haven't found a way to make floating airships that can point a gun at the head of everyone on Earth...yet.

Iceland took Jackson's advice, and redid their entire currency. They killed the bank. Even at a time when America allowed its currency to be sold down river by Obama.

Mark Twain once made the snide remark that:

If it made a difference who you voted for, voting would be illegal.

Indeed, the Establishment wants to make it that way. Yet, Third Parties exist in America for a reason: specifically to avoid that. But why go that route?

The Constitution Party's page on ballot access sums that up nicely:

Open and equal access to the ballot is the political rights issue of 21st Century America. Without all political ideologies having a place in the free marketplace of ideas, on an equal footing with the top two in power, life is like an ice cream shop that only serves two flavors – customers grow weary and no longer buy. America flourishes when its citizens have real choices with which they identify philosophically. America’s representative system of constitutional governance is doomed to fail, if voters continue to be offered only vanilla and chocolate when what they really want is mint chocolate chip or a hot fudge sundae.

And that is becoming increasingly true. When Democrats and Republicans take campaign money from the same Soros-approved coffers, and GOP candidates once elected abandon all their promises to "reach across the aisle" to Dems who do nothing but ham-fist Communist ideology without compromise or remorse, it becomes painfully transparent that we don't really have a 2-party establishment. We have a Uniparty that has a red tie camp and a blue tie camp. With the same exact sponsors. That only pretend to fight each other, the way WWE wrestlers do.

Some are thinking Donald Trump will wave some wizard wand and fix everything. However, the man has flip-flopped more times than an IHOP pancake. Can he really be trusted? And he was about as faithful to his previous wives as Bill Clinton has ever been to any woman. (As in, not at all.) What faith would he have to you?

And the vanilla ice cream has come down to that, or Ted Cruz, who has plenty of his own issues. On the chocolate end, we have a Castro lover who looks like a Muppet, who was once kicked out of a commune - get this - for being too lazy! And the Wicked Witch of Washington DC. Who, (possibly by fraud), somehow, managed to secure the delegates for New York. New Yorkers who don't seem to care that her deadpool is the only reason she's not in handcuffs yet. (FBI is scared to make a move on her, no matter what evidence turns up. They even found some Slavic guy who hacked her server and can testify to what was on it, and supply non-redacted copies, and they still can't arrest her? How many smoking guns does it take???)

Being on a ballot for election never used to be automatic immunity. Why change the rules just for Hillary? Are New Yorkers really so stupid, that they want a queen?

Whatever shall we do?

So if you're ready to go the mint fudge sundae route rather than stick to the Uniparty like a "good" 1984 sheep, this is your guide to voting 3rd party. Since I have a character limit and consider a lot of the others to be just different shades of Democrat, I've gone with the two parties that are the most distinct from the Uniparty: Constitution and Libertarian.

Libertarian map

Your guide to protest-voting in 2016 (USA)

This is the Libertarian Party's current ballot map. States in green will have Gary Johnson and other libertarians on the ballot, so feel free to select.

If you live in Washington, Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, New York (Hell), Massachusetts (also Hell), Connecticut (Limbo), New Hampshire, Rhode Island (Ante-Hell), or New Jersey (9th Circle), you will have to write in Gary Johnson in the write-in section.

Don't let your elections be stolen

Remember: The voting machines in states with electronic voting (like New York), are prone to switching your vote to Democrat. You may have to hit corrections up to five times to make sure the machine doesn't switch your vote to Democrat. They were made in Spain by a firm owned by George Soros, and will want to make sure you really don't mean to vote Democrat instead. Because why would a New Yorker not want to? Don't let these condescending machines trick you!

In states with paper ballots, be very mindful that you allow all registered vote counters in. Do not tolerate places that bar non-Democrat counters from participating, or that threaten to call police on non-Democrat counters and accuse them of "trespassing," as happened in Michigan in 2012. If you hear of this happening, this is blatant election theft, and must be reported.

Also remember the Second Amendment. A well-regulated militia, consisting of the people, to resist tyranny. Do not allow the Black Panthers to intimidate voters at polling booths, like they did in 2012. Voter intimidation is illegal.

Also, report booth centers that display advertising for only one candidate. That is voter impressment, and is also dirty. This also happened in 2012, with several centers trying to convince voters that it was Obama-or-nothing.

Precinct watching is essential. If you know a particular neighbor of yours is planning to vote more than once, in states that don't enforce voter ID, report them or follow them to the other center and smoke them out. Astroturfing is fraud. It is time we put an end to the era of The Voting Dead.

If you are a vote counter in a state with paper ballots, confront anyone you see wantonly throwing ballots in the trash that don't support his/her preferred party. That is backroom disenfranchisement, which is a form of fraud.

Don't rely on the GOP itself to go after this. They signed (very foolishly under Bob Dole) an agreement not to - back in 1996. Only you can prevent election thefts.

Constitution Party map

Your Guide To Protest-Voting In 2016 (USA)

Darrell Castle is the Constitution Party's presidential candidate for 2016, with Scott Bradley as his running mate. Since the Establishment feels most threatened by this party, (regardless how much they pretend to the media that they are most afraid of Donald Trump), a party which doesn't morally compromise solely to justify marijuana (the way the Libertarians do), the steps to getting this party on the ballot are extremely convoluted.

Most states won't even allow the party to use the same name in all states! Vigilance is the eternal price of liberty, and this party knows that all too well.

Remember, if you live in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, South Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Carolina, or Florida, to check your local chapter to see what your state allows the party to be called on local ballots. In Michigan, for example, they're the US Taxpayers' Party of Michigan.

If you live in Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Alabama, or West Virginia, then be patient. And be prepared to write-in your candidate's name in the write-in area.

If you are in one of the states listed in blue, writing-in will be your only option. Don't vote straight-party, since it doesn't exist. Instead, check the positions of each candidate running in your state. Write-in the Constitution candidates you can find. If Republicans are all you have available for local elections, choose the ones closest in positions to the Constitutionalists, who would switch if the ballot allowed it.

If you live in Tennessee, pay attention to court proceedings. Be prepared to write-in, if the court screws you over.

If the process of ballot access is still confusing, the Constitution Party's page (source of the map I used) provides some commentary on why it's hard for non-Uniparty parties to appear on ballots. You can read more about that here.

And remember: the freest voters are informed voters. Never settle for being low-information again!

Will we win?

While well-written, the US Constitution is not perfect and in fact, cannot enforce itself by magic. When the three branches fail in their duty, you become the fourth branch that must restore the balance. This includes the possibility of a militia, if all peaceful resolutions fail. Leaders must be held accountable to their oaths of office. No excuses. And impeachment charges must be based on objective criteria, not personal feelings.

A 3rd-party guy can and will win, but only if you convince enough of your neighbors to wage an aggressive enough (non-violent) coup against the Uniparty Establishment. While it utterly failed, the Confederacy did make one valid point: a time may come when a Second American Revolution is necessary. Until then, peaceful protest must be pursued. Even if they bully you like they did in Oregon, where protesters' rights were trampled with reckless abandon.

If too many neighbors are weak sheep, afraid to vote for someone the Establishment said "cannot win" (i.e., they will attempt to sabotage), then you will probably lose the election. But at least they did not win the election for your heart. And that will give you the legs to keep coming back stronger, even as their heart and credibility wanes.

Believers in principle and ideals overcome those who only care about money...but it takes faith, diligence, and patience. Effort. Capitulation and despair are how the servants of Mammon win. Bear this always in mind.

Your Guide To Protest-Voting In 2016 (USA)
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