My Views On Society! (Yes It Will Be Controversial, I Know How You All Love Controversy)

I am a part of society, we ALL are. Don't go blaming "society' because you are society too! The following is my view on society, and me being in them. (I added the song cause now I am obsessed with it and I didn't feel like finding a photo)

Sorry it's so lengthy!

I believe that society is all about appearances, "appearing" to look like a good person, "appearing" to be physically flawless, "appearing" to be caring, selfless etc. They go with the flow. They do what everyone else is doing, they like what everyone else is doing. if someone doesn't fit into the stream, they automatically hate them. Society now fears the truth, the face behind the mask of perfection.
I am the opposite of what society wishes for. (Im not tryna say I'm "different" or "hipster" or that I don't like "mainstream" things.)

I'm not fake, I say what I mean, not what others mean or what others want me to say, I dress the way I wish to, I act the way I would act. I'm not gonna obey the wishes of others simply to make them happy. I'm gonna take care of myself, in a healthy way. Society is cruel and selfish. They work for their needs, and their needs only. I on the other hand, try to care for everyone. I miss sleep for my friends, I get in trouble for my friends, but I also care for myself (or try to). Because if I can't care for myself, how can I care for anyone else?

Society is about rap, sex, drugs, parties, material wealth. I'm about metal/classical, watching Netflix, serious conversations and sentimental stuff. I don't care about the way someone looks, acts, dresses, their religion or race or sexuality. I like you for who you are, not for what others try to make you. Because all I want is loyalty and honesty, that's what I give in return. I speak my mind, no holding back.

There are individuals like me, but we partake of the minority.

Another thing in our society is our presidential elections going on in America. We have Trump supporters, Bernie, Clinton etc.

This is how I view them:

-They only support Trump when you have extra money, you're racist, you're a dude/a dumb woman, you're Christian.

-They only support Bernie if you're a college student or apart of the younger generation.
-They only support Clinton because she's female.

That's all bullshit. Trump is SHIT, racist, sexist, says all immagrants are rapists, said he'd fuck his own daughter etc. I'd personally vote for Bernie, but it's not a large % of people who fall under *college student/young* cause everyone else who'd vote for him isn't even 18 yet (like me). Then there're people who'd vote for Hillary just cause she's a woman and she'd be the first ever woman president.

Then there's periods.....just ugh. Here's a link that describes it Thanks to @GinnyWealey97 and her mytake

We're forced to wear pads or tampons so we don't bleed over everything, yet men are too scared to buy tampons for his sister/girlfriend? Its cause society will give him shit (mainly guys) for being a "pussy" or oh god, the HORROR "being pussy whipped" which is just basically ball revoking to guys. If you don't help us when we're menstruating, we have the option of bleeding on everything you love.

Then in society there's all this cheating. My main chick/side chick, my main nigga/side nigga, bullshit like that. There are people who think cheating is OK, or who cheat and then get mad when their SO leaves. Or when they have a back up.. "Oh if me and *SO name* don't work out, we can date." Like seriously? ONce a cheater always a cheater. There's the stupid people like "yea they cheated but I forgive them." That's just setting yourself up for more pain.

THEN There's standards for what makes you "cool".

1. You need to like Nicki Minaj or whatevever rapper/pop "artist"

2. You smoke weed or do SOME sort of drug

3. Have lots of sex

4. Go to parties

Then there's the problem with girls being hoes and guys being fuckboys. "If a girl rides her boyfriends dick 59 times, she's kinky as fuck. If a girl rides the dick of 59 different guys, her vagina is loose as fuck." Nooooo, not how that works AT ALL. That is mainly fuckboy logic but also societies. 1. Vaginas don't get "loose" and 2. WHO CARES HOW MANY TIMES/HOW MANY DICKS a chick fucks? More fun for her! Less for you! And for fuckboys, dude I don't personally fuck with them but hey they're getting their nut off so good for them. But along with this, there's the double standards. Fuck boys get praise from other guys, while guys AND girls hate on a girl for being promiscuous.

And guys aren't allowed to cry or show emotion, or else they're seen as weak. </3 honestly my heart breaks whenever I see a guy cry just because I don't see it often, I haven't become desensitized to the sight like people have for women.

Then there's the problem of just being different in general, the set stereotypes.

Oh you like metal music? Automatic drop out, unintelligent and mean.

Oh you like classical? You're 358 years old.

You like to party? You're a whore.

You like to wear revealing clothing? Slut.

You watch a lot of Netflix? Loser.

You get all A's? Nerd, loser, try-hard.

Rape. I have a few things to say about this. There's either sex, or rape. Sex means both (or more) people consent to the deed. Rape is where 1 or more people do not consent to any type of sex. When she/he says "No." then it's rape. The woman isn't always to blame, for her actions or dressing. The man can get raped too! Women and men rape each other! The things to cause someone to do such a thing, I'll never be able to understand.

"Oh but she was flirting!" Yea? Well she said no. WHICH MEANS NO.

"Oh but he was grinding on me/buying me drinks etc!" Yea? Well HE SAID STOP.

There's sex, and rape. You don't say "Swimming and non-breathing swimming" you say "swimming and drowning", not "sex and non-consensual sex" that's just a way to help describe what rape is.

Then there's the "cookie cutter" discussion of being skinny, curvy, fat etc. You're not fat cause you love food (I know someone who's only 16, weighs 220 pounds because of hyperthyroidism, which consists of Whole body: excess sweating, excessive hunger, fatigue, heat intolerance, or restlessness
Mood: mood swings, nervousness, or panic attack
Heart: abnormal heart rhythm, fast heart rate, or sensation of an abnormal heartbeat
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep or insomnia
Menstrual: irregular menstruation or short and light menstruation
Behavioral: hyperactivity or irritability, which caused her to gain a lot more weight than what she used to be.) Then there's curvy v fat women. Curvy women have curves, they have fat. They're not gonna have a 40 inch bust, a 32 inch waist and a 42 inch butt. That's physically unhealthy and very hard to actually get, probably damn near impossible. The "curvy" women you see are fat, just with good clothing and good photoshop. Literally all of these "perfect" looking men/women we see are most like going to be photo shopped extremely.

My Views On Society! (Yes It Will Be Controversial, I Know How You All Love Controversy)

You see what they did to her? Changed the coloring, slimmer her thighs, slimmed her fucking ARMS, got rid of the rolls, slimmed her belly fat, slimmed down her face a bit. Almost everything you see is changed.

I forgot to mention how society body-shames almost everyone. If you're skinny, you need to eat more and gain weight, and you can't complain about wanting to gain weight or even just FEELING fat. If you're fat then just stop eating! If you're muscular you'll get shit for having too much or not enough.

Then there's the stigma of mental illnesses. Self-diagnosing anxiety just because you're a little nervous. Or saying you have depression just cause you're sad. If you take LSD and trip balls that doesn't mean you have schizophrenia to see random shit!

Then there's bullshit about everyone being perfect or special, no. You're different, but you're no snowflake honey. Cool dye your hair, get a tattoo, get a piercing, wear dresses if you're a dude. Whatever. You're human, we're all different, that doesn't make you fucking special as shit. What makes you special? The things that set you apart from the rest of society. Find the snowflake in yourself.

Who the fuck cares? Oh wait. Society does. YOU do. Why? I don't fucking know! I don't give a fuck! Wear dreadlocks, listen to reggae, go to parties, watch Netflix, wear all black, believe in God or 2039847 Gods, or none, believe in ghosts or not, watch the Kardashians or watch Supernatural....DO WHAT YOU FUCKING DO.

But guys, whatever gender, race, sexuality, religion, whatthefuckever, you just fucking do you.

"We're all just humans telling humans to stop being human."

My Views On Society! (Yes It Will Be Controversial, I Know How You All Love Controversy)
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