50 Misandrist Misconceptions & Myths

Continuing on my latest trend of articles, I've decided to write for this site, regarding the growing rise of misandry, I wish to bring up what I call the list of fifty big stereotypes men get hit with on a regular basis. Ones that in the end only hurt us all. Some of these are rephrased but in this case i only did that to make sure I covered as many angles as possible. On that note here we go.

And the list is as follows...

01 - All decent guys are either married or gay
02 - All guys are the same
03 - All guys have a one track mind
04 - All guys ever think about is sex
05 - All guys can't be trusted with another girl
06 - All guys are just going to cheat on you
07 - All guys will do is just lie to you
08 - All guys are just "players"
09 - All guys just treat each girl as another conquest
10 - All guys are scared of commitment
11 - All guys are just sick men with sick minds
12 - All guys are manipulative dirtbags
13 - Guys don't have any pressure to look good
14 - Guys don't have any reason to feel self conscious
15 - Guys don't have any pressure from the media to look a certain way
16 - Guys don't care about a girl's feelings
17 - Guys don't care about you or any girl
18 - Guys are incapable of caring about anyone by themselves
19 - Guys are incapable of commitment
20 - Guys are just trying to have sex with you
21 - Guys only think entirely with their dicks
22 - Guys only want the hottest girl
23 - Guys only care about a girl's looks
24 - Guys only look at women as things or objects to have
25 - Guys only look at their girlfriends as property
26 - Guys only get married if they're forced into it
27 - Guys only want a girl with the biggest tits and only if they're perfect
28 - Guys only want a girl who is skinny, and if not we'll dump or ignore you
29 - Guys think you're desperate or coming on to strong if a girl makes the first move
30 - Guys like the chase of the hard to get girl
31 - Guys actually like the mind games a girl plays with him.
32 - If a guy is with you he's just settling for less
33 - If a guy is with you he's only there until something better comes along
34 - If a guy says he loves you, he's just lying for sex
35 - If a guy wants to have sex with you, he doesn't really love you
36 - If a guy is interested, it's only so he can use you
37 - If a guy does anything for a girl it MUST be because he wants sex
38 - If a guy is talking to another girl (not you) he's probably cheating
39 - If a guy didn't call back within 2 days it's because he doesn't like you
40 - If a guy you're dating doesn't call you, he's lost interest and is cheating
41 - If a guy ever tells an ex about a new girlfriend he's just bragging
42 - If a guy hears you might be pregnant he's guaranteed to run
43 - If a guy isn't put through a battery of mind games and tests he'll lose interest
44 - If a guy doesn't get sex from you he'll just go out to find it from somebody else
45 - After sex, the guy is just going to flee the apartment/house
46 - After sex, the guy is just going to look at you in disgust
47 - After sex, the guy is just going to think you're a slut
48 - After sex, the guy is just going to call you a slut
49 - After sex, the guy is going to dump you
50 - After sex, the guy is just going to tell all his friends

Now as crazy as some of these sound. Since I've been coming to GirlsAskGuys I've been running into more and more of these fucking crazy notions. Some of them argue with me on these stupid fucking myths 'til we're both blue in the face being convinced that some or most of these are fact. Honestly though I just wish would just calm down. You make us sound like monsters and frankly, for a lot of us nice guys, it makes it very hard to work up the courage to even talk to you. If any of you girls wonder what we are worried about, I can tell you that sometimes we worry about how many things in the aforementioned list has been drilled into your heads by now. We might worry you might take some of these things to be pure truth, and some of you women would be surprised at how many other women really believe this horse shit.

I'm sure a few of you guys have seen or heard these things said before. I'm betting you have had to deal with this before, and I'm betting it's screwed you or some girl you know out of a good thing because she's too hurt, heartbroken, angry, upset, and possibly drunk. If that's not the case, I'm betting part of the problem is some girl knew a girl who was like this and the sense of sisterhood kicked in and a few of you went "Rah rah!" passing this kind of hate downward to other girls you knew. Thing is I think we both know that if some guy said the same kinda crap about women there'd be an uproar of anger and outrage from any double X within earshot.

The truth of the matter here is that this kind of thinking is sexist. Granted not some men might fit a couple of the fifty things said here but not all of them, and granted some women might not all believe this but there is a shocking amount that stick to it like it's their bible. Ultimately this kind of thinking is sexist, and I'm of the opinion that some women need to stop, wake up and realize that just because a couple bad relationships ruined your experience, doesn't mean that all men are pigs.

Again I sit here wondering if all this typing was really just a waste, or if some reader might see this and really think this over. All I really ask is that you try to think about it and see if we can make some sort of understanding in future. Maybe we'll see a little less hate. Sigh... Somehow I doubt it. Perhaps the battle of the sexes will continue to rage on, but at least I am making a half-assed, albeit preachy, attempt towards peace. In the mean time I end as always by wishing you all good luck out there.

Toban Frost
50 Misandrist Misconceptions & Myths
34 Opinion