Explaining Liberalism to Conservatives: A Centrist's Perspective


Disclaimer: I am NOT a Liberal I simply understand how they think and why they think the way they do. This myTake is simply meant to explain their views.

Previously I wrote a myTake called Explaining Conservatism to Liberals: A Centrist's Perspective.

This is its sequel. If you're interested in what my views are, I have written them here.

Hello Conservatives, this myTake is for you.

I've noticed there are quite a bit of Conservatives here and some extremist Liberals. I will not be going into extremist Liberalism because any form of extremism is by definition toxic and harmful.

Explaining Liberalism to Conservatives: A Centrist's Perspective

Secularism and Social Freedom

I feel this is an important concept to highlight. Real Liberals not those pixies that cry bigot, racist, homophobe etc. believe in the rights of individuals to do as they please so long as no one is being harmed. They're huge opponents of social conservatism and religious dogma.

They don't care if gays get married since it doesn't affect them. Instead they see it as allowing a group that was historically persecuted to enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples.

They believe in the freedom of expression, and are opposed to any form of dress code. So if a girl chooses to dress like this she should have every right to do so.

Explaining Liberalism to Conservatives: A Centrist's Perspective

Ironically some Liberals believe that if a woman wants to dress up like a ninja she should be allowed to do that too so long as there is no coercion. Even though they have no idea that these masks are not only not Islamic but for a woman to wear one of these by choice is the equivalent of having a Holocaust survivor wear a Waffen SS uniform everywhere he goes. These are called niqabs by the way.

Explaining Liberalism to Conservatives: A Centrist's Perspective

They are also in most cases pro-choice since they see it as a woman's right to her body.

The role of Government

According to Liberals, the government should be in control of education, should protect the citizens from each other and external threats, should provide all health care and should regulate how businesses operate amongst many other functions.

Liberals are willing to pay more in taxes to receive more in services.

However, when it comes to personal freedoms like the ability to smoke marijuana, terminate a pregnancy or have a conversation over the phone with a friend without being spied on, the role of government is seen as something that must be limited.

The government is seen as an institution which is given power by the people to do what is best for the people, allowing individuals to focus on earning money and spending it as they see fit and at the same time be provided with benefits such as vacation pay, healthcare, maternity and paternity leave, a pension, and in the event of injury, disability pay.

At the same time the government is there to prevent you from getting hurt, which is why it institutes laws that limit your freedom like wearing a helmet when riding a bike or a seat belt when driving a car, and putting plain packaging on cigarettes to lower cigarette sales.

So there you have it a glimpse at Liberalism. It isn't all about whining retards calling everyone a bigot or a racist.

Liberalism isn't without its flaws. Welfare is something that isn't properly regulated allowing people access to money who have no intention of getting back to work. Affirmative action, discriminates against poor Whites by only providing assistance to Blacks and other minorities. Gun control is a cop out from addressing mental illness, because believe me when I tell you, you have enough gun control in the US; just look at Canada's excessive gun control if you don't believe me and yet we still have gun violence from illegally obtained firearms. Finally, climate change has become so politicized who even knows which scientists are bought and which are telling the truth. I'm sure we can all agree that the weather has been abnormal this year and perhaps that is evidence of climate change, but who knows how big a threat to us it really is?

I hope you enjoyed this myTake and that it got you thinking.

Auf Wiedersehen

Explaining Liberalism to Conservatives: A Centrist's Perspective
4 Opinion