Mental Rigidity: Why We Must Learn and Open Our Minds

Mental Rigidity

I've been noticing both online and offline that even with the vast amount of information available, a lot of people still seem to be close minded.

Close mindedness doesn't necessarily imply conservatism since modern liberals love to silence dissent just as much if not more than conservatives.

It is always refreshing to see people like Dave Rubin who can openly discuss with others their ideas, especially if he doesn't agree with them without shouting "racist, bigot, homophobe".

With conservatives who behave in this manner the issue is always the same, "We don't want change". I'll admit, change can be terrifying but that doesn't mean it should be avoided at all costs.

The abolition of slavery and woman's suffrage are just two examples of massive changes that have benefited society. When these issues were being discussed there were people actively opposing these motions. Sadly for them, they are remembered in history as awful human beings who stood in the way of progress.

The Internet with its vast collection of information has allowed for people to be both liberated from propaganda and at the same time to allow the weak minded to be preyed upon by conspiracy theorists and racists alike.

For some such as myself, the Internet has helped broaden horizons and I try to use it as a tool for both acquiring knowledge and for entertainment.

However there are a lot of people on the Internet who use it as a safe space for their asinine beliefs. I will always run into either a neo-Nazi who blames Jews for everything, starting with his unemployment to the state of the economy. There has also been an increase in Hamas supporters who believe that their land was somehow stolen from them when in fact it is they who are responsible for their predicament.

Aside from hateful morons that target not only Jews but Muslims, gays and whomever else they don't like that week there are also people who are proudly ignorant.

I came across a Gager recently that at first didn't believe that Caucasians are different from Negroids who are different from Mongoloids on a genetic level. This is what makes racial distinction biological and not a social construct. If that wasn't enough, she didn't believe in evolution either. Now I don't know what planet she's from but I've always seen evolution as common sense. It's taught in every biology class and is undeniable; yet some people see it as an attack on their faith.

I'd argue that science doesn't disprove God it merely shows what he has created and shows the true genius behind it (if he exists that is).

That is why I call open you my fellow Gagers to join me on my quest to spread knowledge to the ignorant. We may not be able to change all of their minds but we need to start somewhere.

If you are unsatisfied with your politicians and want real change in your country instead of the show that's put on every few years then I hope that you could take part in this campaign for reason.

Democracy is something that must be fought for. Not with guns and knives but with words and actions.

Let's each try and do something to encourage others to learn.

Mental Rigidity: Why We Must Learn and Open Our Minds
2 Opinion