Being a "Basic Bitch" is OK

Being a "Basic Bitch" is OK

What's a "basic bitch"?

Someone who is unflinchingly upholding of the status quo and stereotypes of their gender without even realizing it. She engages in typical, unoriginal behaviors, modes of dress, speech, and likes. She is tragically/laughably unaware of her utter lack of specialness and intrigue.
- Urban dictionary

Girls are being made fun of left and right for not being "special" enough, for enjoying things that are supposedly "lame" and "girly" and "too mainstream". If a girl wears plain clothes and likes Starbucks, she's a basic bitch. If she enjoys rom-coms and taking baths with Lush bathbombs, she's a basic bitch. If she posts inspirational quotes and pictures of cats and coffee on her instagram, she's a basic bitch and for whatever reason, deserves to be mocked for it. Everyone wants to rub it in her face how "laughably not special" and "unoriginal" she is.

Why do we do this?

Why do we put women down for not being "special" enough? Why is it such a bad thing to like mainstream stuff? If a guy says he likes drinking beer and watching football, nobody bats an eye. Nobody croaks "wow, you're such a basic dick, you're so tragically unoriginal for liking beer and football". But if a girl says that she's going to spend the evening sipping some Starbucks while watching Sex in the city, everyone else gets this burning desire to drag her to hell and back for it, while chanting how unoriginal she is and that she's behaving like a basic bitch.

This feeds the whole "I'm not like other girls" mentality. Girls become desperate to separate themselves from "other girls", as to not be called a basic bitch, or just in general in order to not be lynched for the things they like and enjoy doing. It creates even more hostility, and some girls even go as far as specifically targeting girls of other races in order to separate themselves even more from the basic bitch stereotype.

"Liking UGGs... what a basic white girl thing to do"
"Twerking... what a basic black girl thing to do"
"Liking anime... what a basic Asian girl thing to do"

Being a "Basic Bitch" is OK

And so on. It not only stereotypes girls as a whole and mocks them for liking similar things, it also stereotypes girls of different races (specifically) to create an even greater distance between them and the girl(s) they're targeting. Girls are not only pitting other girls against each other, but they're also perpetuating stereotypes and upholding this idea that every girl should somehow be flawlessly unique and not enjoy anything that other girls also enjoy. Because otherwise she's just a pathetic basic bitch who's desperately swimming in the mainstream and doesn't deserve to be treated with respect. She only deserves disrespect and to be mocked, because she happens to like a popular series and enjoy drinking popular beverages and wearing clothes a lot of other people wear.

Liking mainstream things doesn't make you a bad person

Constantly being original shouldn't be anyone's goal in life. Because 1. that's impossible and 2. that's mind-numbingly exhausting. Women shouldn't be bullied and mocked for liking the same things. Women shouldn't feel the need to proclaim how different they are from other women, in order to get validation, attention and cheers from men. Women shouldn't stereotype each other and fight each other for liking the same things. I wish people would quit asking "who wore it better", quit saying "I'm not like all the other girls", quit mocking girls for what they like doing, or drinking, or wearing, or saying, or taking pictures of.

Being a girl and enjoying certain things isn't lame. It's not something you should be laughed at for. Liking beer and watching football doesn't make someone superior over someone else who likes pumpkin spice latte and The notebook. It's not sad. It's not pathetic. It's not a joke. It doesn't make you a bitch or a pathetic excuse for a girl who's completely unoriginal and deserves to be laughed at.

Like whatever the fuck you want to like, and let others like whatever the fuck they like. Nobody deserves to be laughed at for liking something completely normal and mainstream.

Being a "Basic Bitch" is OK
Being a "Basic Bitch" is OK
Post Opinion