The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

To my own point of view, it seems like Americans have 15 Gods. They might be a little bit more, but for this MyTake purposes, I choose 15 because is a round number.

(in alphabetical order)

1) Conservatism

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Americans aren't famous for their progressive ideas. They still have archaic views, young Americans included. They still believe, homosexuality is a bad thing, a man should work and a woman should stay at home taking care of things, they hate anything leftist and marriage is an essential thing for every American. Zero progress. One of the few countries that men still tend to dress in suits and women in long dresses, even for casual use.

2) "Freedom"

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

In quotation marks, because most of them don't even know what actual freedom means. Everyone depends on someone else fortunately or unfortunately. The only people who have real freedom are hermits, because they don't depend on someone else, and technically they can do whatever they want around their area.

3) Good Grades

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Parroting really doesn't matter in America. All you need is to be booksmart. You need this just in order to go to a good college, get a good job and eventually make lots of money. Another product of the system more or less. That's how most American kids function unfortunately.

4) Gyms

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

I really wonder if there's at least one American who doesn't hit the gym, because as it seems they love them! But what makes me wonder, is when do they have the time to go at the gym? Americans aren't famous for their free-time. Guess on Sundays when they don't work?

5) Health

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Or to put it even better hypochondriacs. It seems like most Americans are scary of doing any unhealthy activities, or eating/drinking anything they consider unhealthy, and they overreact about even the smallest things. They are the kind of people who will ask their doctors about every little small thing. Typical example: I sleep usually 6 hours, but today I slept 7. Oh my, I must call the doctor, something is wrong with me.

6) Jobs

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Yeah the so called land of opportunity. People in America start to work from the very young age of 16. If you are 16-18 and you don't have a job, then people are not much friendly towards you. If you are over 18 and still not then things are getting words, and you start becoming their enemy. But how can they take seriously a person who doesn't make money and they have no "purpose" and "goals" in their life? Americans are fans of the fast paced life without any free-time, and the more jobs someone has, the better.

7) Media

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

This is a worldwide phenomenon unfortunately. But where this bad thing started? The answer is, in America. This is from where media-made models were started being produced, and young boys and girls imitate their style. And this is from where false information was started being provided.

8. Military
The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Although in America serving for the army is optional, if a man doesn't serve, then he's being looked down. If someone is against the military, then he's a dirty scumbag. Ignoring the fact that soldiers are heavily brainwashed. Ignoring the fact that military is one of the most savage organizations. But for Americans military is something holy as it seems.

9) Money

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

This is definitely their biggest God. If not all, most Americans' main goal is to make as much money as possible through his/her lifetime. If you don't believe me make a poll about it. But I can't guarantee you that the answers are going to be honest. Facts say otherwise though. See how poor people are being looked down in America, and she how rich people are praised.

10) Patriotism

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Americans are the kind of people, who would put their country above all. The phrase It's all about Murica, is way too common there. And of course the fact about how proud they are that they were born in this holy land.

11) Restaurants/Cafes

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Restaurants are basically each American's kitchen. They eat more frequently at restaurants than at their own kitchen (or home generally). As I mentioned above, Americans are fans of the fast-paced life. When can they go home to cook? Their daily route is Take-away Coffee (at Starbucks, from where else?) -> First Job -> Lunch at Restaurant -> Second Job -> Dinner at Restaurant -> Home. I doubt that more than 10 out of 100 Americans, know how to cook just pasta, or make coffee on their own.

12) Sports

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Sports are a really really big thing in America, especially for boys. To the point that boys are FORCED, to do at least one sport from a very young age, even before they start the school. If a boy doesn't do any sport then he is lazy, weak and a pussy.

13) Tipping

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

Most countries pay just what they see on the bill. Maybe some more generous people, might give a 5-10% tip. But in America, the tipping is performed religiously. If you tip 10-30%, then the waiter (and the people that happen to be around you as well), will give you a cold look. If you tip 0%-10%, then they might say something like "You cheap scumbag, you should be ashamed.", with their heavy accent. If you pay just what you see on the bill then you might end up being beaten up. In America you must tip at least 30% or over. A really really bad American habit, most cultures should avoid adopting.

14) TV Series/Movies

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

This could be put under the media section as well, but it's a really big thing in American culture that they can be put separately. Here we are talking about people, who name their kids after a certain character in a movie or in a TV series. That's why the name frequencies in America aren't static. The reason is because most parents have this way of naming their kids. Nowhere else this is happening.

15) Virginity

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?

I doubt there's any other developed country in this world that values virginity as much as Americans do. Even in our era, most young guys and girls in their teens are more likely to save their virginity for the special one. Even in our days many young people from there, believe that sleeping around is gross. Not to mention if a guy has ever been with a hooker (and not a constant client, but just once!) is super-ultra dirty and doomed for the rest of his life.

To sum it up, a land of conservative xenophobics with far-right wing views, that they would do everything for money. Excuse me for the wrong category as well.

The 15 Gods In America: Who Are They?
Post Opinion