6 Things I like about black people

1.Blues is from black people

who doesn't like blues? Blues is a genre and musical form originated by African Americans in the Deep South of the United States around the end of the 19th century. The genre developed from roots in African-American work songs and European-American folk music. Blues incorporated spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts, chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads.

Things i like about black people

2.hip hop

I'm not a fan of hip hop or rap music but man it's cool, Hip hop as music and culture formed during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City, particularly among African-American youth residing in the Bronx, it's very good that people around the world are enjoying hip hop and rap because of black people.

2.The way they talk is cool

I love the way they talk, you know what i mean, Imagine a black guy saying: "Hey yo, gimme yor number","hey bro, you see those niggas over there?" "wassup my homie?" or when they say"Good" or "Hood".

6 Things I like about black people

3.They will make you laugh

Having at least a black person in your circle of friends is necessary, because why the hell not? they're funny and love to tell jokes.

4. they're the best at running and Javelin_throw

their tall and thin body allows them to run faster and throw better, even when they met neanderthals(white humans who lived before us on earth) they were successful in wars against neanderthals because of their body.

5.They talk to strangers and warm up fast

They talk to you, give you compliments and treat you like their friend even if you're a stranger.

6.They're good looking

6 Things I like about black people

6 Things I like about black people

6 Things I like about black people
6 Things I like about black people

6 Things I like about black people
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