What can GREEN Do for you?


What can GREEN Do for you??

The clown bus. Each person is a billionaire. And now, the justice system is turned on its ear. And with every legitimate protest, the Republican Snowflakes are crying that there is opposition. You snowflakes did the same thing when Obama was in office for 8 years. But I digress

This is the Average Republican Voter.

What can GREEN Do for you?

So someone please tell me. What can you benefit from a billionaire. Lets take out the whole Liberal FAKE NEWS Bullshit you people constantly bitch, whine, and moan about..

We have a whamublace standing by if you have a stroke....

What can GREEN Do for you?

Explain to me how a billionaire can help you personally to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

What can GREEN Do for you?


You cry about jobs.. Jobs are up..

You cry about the economy.. You morons stood in line to get your snot nose kids the HATCHIMALS (made in China)

You dont complain about the roadways you drive on, which you get flat tires on and mess up your shocks and struts.

You dont complain about sitting in traffic to get to your minimum wage job..

You dont complain about how your water, sewage and property tax is going up..

You only cry about people taking jobs which you wouldn't be caught dead doing (landscape, construction) or you dont have the brain capacity to do. (Engineering / Application Creation)

So someone please tell me.. What can green do for you!!

What can GREEN Do for you?
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