Why I'm not a Feminist


Look at the word feminism. This is called equality for the sexes, despite having a definition whose root word is specific to women. This is what Google tells people it is, but this is not true.

Why I'm not a Feminist

I call myself an equalist. Women are not being oppressed in the West. They're not. Do women have stereotypes like that they are supposed to cook and they are more submissive? Sure. Do men have stereotypes like that they're supposed to be tough and rarely cry? Absolutely. Both are bad. But believe it or not, feminists, men may have it worse in society.

These stereotypes are actually true, in a way. They are definitely overgeneralized to stay true to every single specimen of a gender, but that does not mean they are not accurate to many. For example, women DO have a tendency to stay at home and cook and clean. They were, as scientists love to reiterate, gatherers whereas men would go and hunt far from home. And it is true that generally, men do not cry as much. And I blame society for this.

Why I'm not a Feminist

One of the most interesting pieces of data I have seen concerning to this whole issue was that when they are young, males and females cry equal amounts. Then by the time they are 12 years old, males cry less, to an extreme. This is because it is socially unacceptable to most for men to cry, despite having had cried equal amounts as the other gender. Perhaps this stereotype could be washed down the drain should it begin to be more accepted by society. This goes the other way around, too. Women DO have a tendency to stay at home and clean. This stereotype may also be lessened if more people are aware of it, but there is an actual scientific reason why this generalization exists, while men used to cry the same amount as women, having the same emotions, but knew that they could be shunned for expressing themselves in such a manner.

Please watch the video I have added in this Mytake. Do you see how this man did nothing but an innocent "dad joke", and the women behind the camera freaked out? He did nothing but a mere joke, not a good one at that, and the lady accused him of "sexually assaulting" her, screaming at another man that she cannot "calm down" for this reason, when all he did was a little joke. This woman is a pure example of how feminists are so infamously being triggered for no reason.

Then there is the argument of assuming genders. Of course, the idea of whether there are more than two genders or not is very political and controversial, and a whole other issue, so I am not going to delve very far concerning that matter. Feminists are always complaining about pronouns. But if a person distinctly appears to be a female, is it not correct to call them a female?

Why I'm not a Feminist

Free speech is a right for my nation. However, feminists treat a comment as if it were illegal.

If anyone in the world needs feminism, it would be countries where women are ACTUALLY BEING OPPRESSED. In Sharia Law, used by Islam, women go to jail for being raped (hint, hint: one of the main leaders of the Trump marches complaining that he is sexist actually believes in this). Under this law, women can be beaten and their rights are not equal to men under the law. Marriage and sex with girls only 7 years of age- legal. Women are said to be stupid. Yet feminists never mention this, or try to help women who are actually being oppressed in the East.

Why I'm not a Feminist

Why I'm not a Feminist
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