The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

There's A Lot Of Inappropriate Usage Of The Following Terms.. Leading To A Lot Of Controversy And Confusion Over What They Actually Mean.. But Don't Worry, I'm Here To Officially Clear Everything Up For You

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

First, you gotta understand the differences between one's "sex", "gender", and "orientation."

There's practically an infinite combination of all of the above terms... Allow me to define and explain each of them for your prime understanding- in my own words (for the most part).

Sex: There are only TWO sexes. This is according to the physical form your body has. Often referred to as "male" or "female". You can't naturally be both sexes unless you're some sort of human mutation.. and said human who would have a combination of the two sexes would be called a hermaphrodite. However, for the most part, you either have genitals specifically tailored to raising and producing a baby, or you have a ding-a-ling. Now, of course, there's surgeries to alter one's sex.. but you can't naturally have a fully-functioning vagina and dick at the same time.. it just doesn't work that way. Yes, I'm sure there's specific exceptions where someone out there is somehow born with both genitalia.. hence my inclusion and mentioning of some sort of human mutation.. as mutations can be natural or purposeful.. I hope I don't need to further elaborate on that.

Gender: This is far too often confused with "sex".. Gender is what you consider yourself to be in relation to your sex. Gender is the "mental" aspect of identifying yourself, whereas sex is the "physical" aspect. Gender is where things can, unfortunately, get very confusing very fast as there's multiple genders (..yes! Multiple!).. Many more than I'm going to include.. as I'm only going to include the most common and basic genders because I don't want to confuse y'all too much.

Orientation: This is the term used to describe how a person reacts and feels towards other genders.. in terms of attraction or absence of attraction. Orientations also includes many confusing terms. Again, I'm only going to include the most common and basic orientations.. basically, the ones you're most likely to have encountered or potentially have yet to encounter.

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

Now, it's time to peel away those potentially bias and/or subjective glasses for your optimum understanding

This will be necessary, since I'm anticipating that many people are reading this article with their own perspectives, many which, quite frankly, I strongly believe to be inaccurate.. at least to some extent. And for those who are strongly anti-gay etc. obviously this article probably isn't going to be a slice of cake for you to understand, but I genuinely hope that it at least clarifies the other side of things to you. But the reason that I mentioned the glasses, is that many people believe that there's "only males and only females".. that's your opinion and all, but let me tell you now, it's not really all that true unless you're referring to someone's physical sex, in which case, yes, I completely agree. But to completely ignore that there's at least some sort of spectrum in gender and how people feel about themselves is pretty selfish and ignorant in my opinion. You don't have to agree with it.. But at least recognize it. Having an open mind will do wonders for you.

Now to get further into detail.. About Sex..

As I've mentioned previously, there's only two official sexes.. And I suppose mutations if you'll count those (..hermaphrodites.. but even with these.. there's still a dominant sex present).. If you've ever traveled out of your country, you might have noticed that on your passport the description of your appearance will most likely say "sex" (at least in the English speaking world.. I'm not so sure about other languages).. And not say "gender"... As this is the appropriate and official legal usage of language to most accurately depict your appearance etc. as sex isn't exactly a subjective thing. Again.. Sure, you can identify differently in terms of your gender etc. but you physically cannot be "not" a male or female. You're going to have the body parts of either sex. This is often the arguments that a lot of anti (people) will mention and bring up. And yes, I completely agree but to an extent. Hence why it's important to me to properly educate as many people as possible about the differences in these words... As they are NOT the same thing. But more often than not, with a bit of clarification and an open mind, you'll realize that you're more often on the same page as the people around you than it'll initially seem. I think that if people take the time to read what I say and try to understand, and have questions if they don't, then for the most part, we'll all be on the same page! (Ideally that is! Haha..)

As for getting more in-depth with gender...

This is where things are likely to start getting hairy (if they haven't already)... But hang on tight!

Agender: This is basically a person who doesn't identify (or identifies to a very small extent) with the traditional sexes and their roles. Sometimes this word is also expressed as "genderless" or "gender neutral".

Bigender: This is a person whose personality combines traits from both traditional sexes.. Basically a feminine/girly tomboy.

Biological Sex/Cisgender: Simply the sex that you're born as is the sex whose traditional characteristics are the ones your display. More simply put, if you're a male you identify as just that- a male. And vice-versa.

Fluid(ity): This is someone who doesn't claim to have a set gender. They simply exist and represent themselves in whatever fashion they're most comfortable in. Basically, they don't like labels and don't feel like there's a set term that defines them exactly.. hence "fluidity" being a part of this term.

Genderqueer: This is basically a combination of Bigender and Gender Fluidity.

Transgender: Someone who's decided to represent themselves as the sex opposite than what they were born as. These people aren't necessarily gay.. just simply transposing to the sex they're more comfortable showing themselves publicly as. It's also important to note that some people make the full transformation from one sex to the other (via surgeries), while others simply claim to be transsexual (without having the proper sex organs of the sex they're claiming to be) and have decided to devote themselves to being/representing themselves as their opposite birth sex.

Transsexual: This is someone who emotionally, and psychologically, feels more connected to their opposite sex. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're gay or transgender. A Transsexual could be a feminine man who's still completely straight.

Details on one's orientation...

Ally: A supporter of the LGBTQA community. This person can be gay, but isn't necessarily.

Aromantic: This is someone who experiences/feels no (or very little) romantic attraction to others. Meaning they aren't interested in lovey-dovey coupley things.. like holding hands, kissing, hugging, and physical affection in general. These types of people aren't necessarily asexual, but they can be. These people tend to be more sexually orientated.. out for booty calls and not any sort of lasting relationship.. again, that's not uniform among people who're aromantic.. but it IS a common characteristic. (This type of person isn't necessarily gay.)

Asexual: This is a person who feels no sexual attractions for anyone (there's sometimes very, very rare exceptions).. Someone who's asexual doesn't get turned on and has zero sex drive. These types of people are sometimes also aromantic, but aren't necessarily. (This type of person isn't necessarily gay.)

Bicurious: This is someone who's mostly heterosexual (straight) but wouldn't mind having sex with someone of their same sex. They aren't necessarily attracted to their same sex, they're just simply curious.. however, there's more often than not, some degree of attraction held towards the opposite sex.

Bisexual: This is someone who shares a (more or less) equal distribution of attraction among cisgender males and females.. In other words, if this person were to group together people that they find attractive, about half of their interests will be cisgender males and the other half would be cisgender females. This type of orientation is strictly attracted to cisgenders (traditional males and females).

Gay: This is an "umbrella term".. meaning that it's all-encompassing; while it's also used specifically for males attracted to males, it generally means "not straight". Hence communities are simply summed up as being "gay communities" and whatnot.

Heterosexual: Also known as "Straight" this is someone who has 100% zero interest in anyone who's of the same sex; even of depictions of the same sex. For example, someone who's heterosexual wouldn't be attracted to someone of the opposite sex who's transgender or sometimes even someone who's androgynous (see other useful terms).

Homosexual: This is nearly interchangeable with the term "Gay" minus the meaning that "Gay" holds for male on male attraction. This term really just includes anyone who isn't straight.. it's the ultimate "umbrella term".

Lesbian: This term means female on female attraction.

Pansexual: This term basically applies to anyone who can feel attracted to anyone else regardless of their sex or gender. People who're pansexual are attracted to a person's personality and typically see good looks as a bonus. A saying that pansexuals will often say is "hearts not parts".. since a pansexual doesn't care about their interest's sex but more in how they actually are as a person. A fun fact, I personally identify as pansexual. While I won't say that looks are completely thrown out of the loop, they ultimately don't have much weight in the grand scheme of things. At least for me, personally. Also, a huge misconception is that pansexuals are "attracted to everyone"... that's not true at all. We certainly do not find everyone in existence attractive.. we simply accept people by how they accept themselves.

Straight: This word has the same meaning as "Heterosexual".

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

Other useful terms...

Androgynous: This is someone who appears to be the opposite sex than what they are, or as a fluid mixture between both sexes. For example, a male with more "soft" features can sometimes appear to be more feminine.

Gender Binary: This is the belief that there are only two genders. (Which is actually a misunderstanding from that community.. they have the right mindset that there's two of something only it isn't "genders" that they're thinking of- but rather sexes.. a bit of an embarrassing mishap to consistently project that you believe one thing but actually mean another.. and it's misuse of language just like this that gets everyone into a big political and stressful mess.)

Heteronormativity: This is most easily explained as someone that actively suggests that being straight is the correct, and often, only way that society can/should function. Saying that being straight is the "normal and preferred sexual orientation". (Basically, people who believe in this are completely intolerant of the gay community and can't understand how anyone could be gay and that it's abnormal. These people also commonly believe that being gay is a mental illness.) Basically, this person will be making assumptions such as every girl will grow up and get a husband, or there'll only be straight characters in movies and media.

Homophobia: This often goes hand in hand with heteronormativity.. but it isn't nearly as extreme as that.. think of this as a watered down version of heteronormativity. People who're homophobic are often completely revolted by the notion that same sex couples exist. They view it as wrong for a variety of reasons, some being religion-based, or they simply stem from how the person was brought up.

LGBTQA: This is short for the gay community. It stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual/Allies. You've also probably seen shortened versions of this such as LGBT.. they mean the same thing, I just added the longest version that I know of to be more productive and informal.

Polyamorous: This is a type of relationship that involves more than two partners. Basically, it's the belief that love isn't meant to be between just two people. So sometimes this is a three-way relationship between three consenting partners. Sometimes it's just one main person who's in a relationship with more than one person. It's not cheating because in the ideal polyamorous relationship, all partners are notified of each other and they all consent. This type of relationship is pretty rare. (Another fun fact, I'm currently in this type of relationship- anyone who knows me already knows this).

Queer: The original meaning of this word is "strange" or "odd"... but when applied to the LGBTQA community, it simply translates to "gay"... it can also be used to mean a homosexual man in specific. But typically, these days, it's an umbrella term for anyone who's homosexual.

Romance: A feeling of excitement when associated with love. Typically, romance is a sort of temporary puppy-love. Romance is more of a "mental attraction".. it's completely up to the person if they feel romantic feelings towards another. Some people don't get romantic feelings naturally, while most will get at least some degree of sexual lust. (I included this as it does have an interest connection in my orientation category. It's also to contrast the differences between romance and sexual attraction.. down below.)

Sexual Attraction: This is a "bodily attraction".. typically, it's the lust one's body will feel towards another person.. be this a craving or getting turned on.. a sexual attraction isn't something a person can really control. It's just simply what out bodies decide for us in what's attractive.

Sexual Preference: It's pretty self-explanatory, but this is a person's interests in relation to sex. Basically what someone will get turned on by. What sex their partner is and demonstrates are often key factors in someone's sexual preference.

Transvestite: This is a person who gets sexual pleasure from cross-dressing. This is more often than not used in a derogatory way. A Transvestite or "tranny" is often a male dressed up as a female, but isn't necessarily that. The more polite word to use is "cross-dresser".

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

That About Wraps Up My MyTake!

I've been working on this MyTake on and off for months on end.. I'm pretty proud to actually be completing it though! I graciously thank you deeply for reading (at least some) of my MyTake! I tried my very best to produce a very high quality guide for anyone looking to understand this type of material or to even learn some new things! I've had friends asking me to write an article on this material for YEARS! Hopefully you can now use this as a reference when trying to recall a certain word or even use this to forward to family and friends who're just as confused! I'm hoping that this will help many people with understanding others and even finding the right words to say.

Because in the end.. love should be a joyous occasion. What's wrong with a bit more love and acceptance in the world? Wouldn't we all be better off?

Hopefully after reading this you feel more at ease and understand things at least a tiny bit better :)

Have a great day! <3




The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex
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