Why Feminism is Harmful to Society


This take is inspired by a feminist with whom i was argueing on here, who despite my best efforts would not see the bad side of feminism and just kept demanding for evidence that the cause of those issues was in fact feminism, when common sense would have been more than enough.

And upon offering some, she dismissed them as being biased. Ok then 😒.

I'm gonna give credit where it's due tough and admit that she had me pretty much beat in the argument, to the extent of making me look ridiculous, even made me lose my temper a few times (which I try hard not to 😂😂), I guess she was in a different league all together. And so this take is gonna be dedicated to her.

So, getting into it,

Here are the reasons why feminism is currently affecting society in a negative way:

1. Feminism promotes this image of men being the opressors and women being victims to an extent that it demonizes men.

Why Feminism is Harmful to Society

It also paints a picture of women as the perpetual victims, which is also bad because that hides female aggressors who hide behind the "victim" image.

This is most true in the topic of rape and sexual assaults. In some places, feminists have actively fought to change the definition of rape in a way the paints only men as the perps and women as victims.



I think its obvious as to how this is bad. This would make it impossible for a woman to be held accountable for rape, especially when it's against a man. So in turn they will probably be charged with a lesser crime and recieve a more lenient sentencing, if found guilty at all.

Not only that, there are cases where men filed complaints for rape, but because of the definition, they ended up being accused of rape themselves (sorry, dont have examples for this, couldnt find the one I wanted)

In addition to rape, domestic violence is another issue where the image of men being painted as the aggressor is used to unfair advantage for women.


As you can see a large chunk of the victims of domestic violence are men, and yet when guys call for help, oftentimes they are seen as the aggressors and are sometimes detained and jailed.

Why Feminism is Harmful to Society

It's very easy for a woman to turn it around and make men look like the bad guy. And very few women actually face the consequences for their actions. Now you can argue that this is due to sexism, but feminists aren't doing anything to fight this type of sexism. They just cherry pick when it's useful to them and ignore it and actually even use sexism to their advantage when they can. All the while, while saying feminism is for "equality among sexes". Sorry, you can't have your cake and eat it too. People aren't that stupid you know.

Why Feminism is Harmful to Society

2. Feminism has not helped prevent actual female victims at all.

Women who have actually been raped or assaulted are provided shelters and support.

(as opposed to male victims, in fact a guy who tried to help such men was shot down by feminists, they didn't help him at all, and he ended up not recieving enough funding for his mens shelters, he then committed suicide, I can give references if you want)

However feminism has actually made no improvement and offered zero solutions to actually prevent rapes and assaults from occurring. They divert attention away from real solutions and say things like, "don't tell me how to dress, teach men not to rape" and then start whole parades and stuff over this ridiculous idea.

Why Feminism is Harmful to Society

Really, that the best you came up with?

I'm sorry but if you haven't noticed, men dont need to be taught not to rape (just like women dont either), but unfortunately rapists can't be taught not to rape. That's just how they are and telling them not to from a small age is not going to change that (this goes for female rapists as well btw). You can't teach a shark not to hunt and kill. Same thing. All you can do is try not be attacked by it. Like for example, don't swim in shark infested waters. Same principle with rapists, don't expect them to be responsible for your safety. Take responsibility for your own safety. I don't know if less clothes makes predators more drawn to you, but that seems to be the popular opinion, so I think not dressing revealing would probably be a safer route to take. And if someone tells you that then don't just automatically label him or her as a rape apologist, they could as well be just looking out for you. Especially if it's your parents, siblings or boyfriend/gf. I think it's more likely that they are concerned for your safety and not sympathizing with potential rapists.

And teaching young boys not to rape is not gonna help anything and will only develop a self hatred or hatred/fear of their own gender in young kids. Cut that shit out.

3. Feminism has actually worsened gender relations and destroyed the family unit.

Before the rise of feminism, a household used to consist of a man, his wife and their children if they had any. This used to be the norm. The amount of separated parents, divorces, and children living with single mothers or fathers was a lot less.


Before feminism , women were usually confined to the home and took more time in taking care of the house, the children, and the family. The men did the work and provided for the family. There was a separation of duties and the two genders made it work.

Of course, you could argue that the men had financial power over the women, but they also were expected by society to care for and provide for their woman and kids. And actually most of them did that. There were surely a few lousy guys back then too, but so were there a few lousy housewives. Those things didn't get better with time. The amount of lousy husbands who didn't take responsibility and care for their family actually increased over time. After women got their access to jobs and became part of the workforce, things did change and I'm not saying that's bad. My mom works as well and she contributes to the family just as much as my dad, if not more.

However, often times this has led to a problem as to the division of responsibilities. Some couples make it work balancing work and family but a lot do have trouble. While women having their own financial security is good for them, it did undeniably diminish the value of men. While this on its own is not necessarily bad, combined with the notion of painting men in a bad light (my point 1) has made women believe that they can take care of the family without a man, and in fact it would actually be better to do so.

This has led to women filing for divorces from their husbands on unreasonable grounds at a much higher rate. I know that men do it as well, but most divorces (around 70% in the usa), are filed by women. This is because women do have the ability to sustain themselves and their kids without the father, and the state/government helps them as well. And we all know how divorce courts will almost always let the women keep their kids unless the man can prove that she is unfit to parent the kids.

However the problem is that kids do need a father and a lack of one can cause severe problems and issues later in life. Kids without dads (boys and girls), are actually more likely to face abuse (by the mother or a third party) than kids who stay with their dads after a divorce, and they are more likely to show delinquent behavior (apparently a vast majority of us prisoners come from single mom households).

So this is the way feminism, over time destroyed the nuclear family. Altough at first, the aim was to empower women (which again, I will never say is a bad thing). It ended up causing a negative effect for men and the family unit. And after all the years, feminists haven't yet realized or aren't even trying to rebuild or repair the family. In fact they are celebrating single mother-hood and keep fighting for more rights for women without realizing how this negatively affects, men, the family and ultimately women as well.

The increasing unfairness towards men by society and by the law has even caused men to opt out of marriage alltogether, forming movements like mgtow. Yeah, I'm gonna say it, mgtow was a consequence of feminism.

Also, despite the increased success and independence of women today, ironically they are not happier than they were in the past. You would think that at least after all this at least women would be more satisfied. But the statistics show otherwise.



And I was talking about feminists in this take, let me say that again to clarify. I don't even wanna get started about feminazis...

Why Feminism is Harmful to Society
Why Feminism is Harmful to Society
42 Opinion