I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

I am a young man aged 22, living around low-to-middle class maybe and I believe we are at the brink of an emerging world war 3. Seeing how the global economy only gets worse and the nations provoking and punishing each other AND things simply keep escalating I could almost predict the future from now on: A dystopic and bleak wasteland.

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

But why am I writing this (1)? What is the purpose of this message of mine (2)? And what does my brief introduction have anything to do with a possible emerging world war 3 (3)?

(1,2) The point is I feel like I am one of the only few with these thoughts (along with my buddy @JudgmentDay ) and observing our current events over time as things don't get better, we can probably guess where it goes. I hope I can submit this message to other folks so that my fellow men can feel together with me in what misery we are getting ourselves into and maybe open their perspective on what will be made of us.

For the women… to give my (or our) perspective what we will go through if things break into a new age war since most soldiers are men like me. In other words – I want to be heard and receive a response!

(3) What my details have to do with a possible new emerging world war 3 is that if it happens, then it will be me and other men like me, who will be sent into the battlefield to fight and kill each other and then be killed by the opposing force. *WE* didn't ask for it. The government did. Just because the presidents couldn't get along with each other.

They may call it "defending/serving/fighting for your country". I call it nonsense mass-slaughter of the innocent and the not so innocent. It's like you live and rent an apartment (taxes in this case) but then comes your landlord (the state) and commands you to go out with your neighbors and beat up (fight a war) the equally angered crowd of people outside (the opposing force), that the landlord (the state) has deliberately provoked their landlord (their state) to the extend of wanting to have your landlord (state) dead. But it will be YOU, who will take all impacts and it will be YOU, who will pay for what the landlord (state) has done with your blood, health and your very own life. And you did NOTHING to provoke all of this conflict.

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

If the presidents and the governments as much as hate each other so much that they declare sanctions and want to see each other die, then why don’t they fly over and have a fist fight with them up close and personal instead of sending us pawns and their puppets to our own doom for their benefits?

Oddly enough the governments can't get along with each other. Yet I have (online) friends from various countries including but not limited to Spain, Finland, America, Denmark, Austria, Australia, Great Britain, Russia, possibly France also and we aren't living much better as the average citizens in those countries. I'd only hate it too much to have been killed by my (online) friends or having to kill them.

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

I don't want to crawl through dirt and snow in the hot or cold, wet outside being starved, dehydrated, tired, yelled at and kill other young men like myself from other countries while enduring those loud gunfire right next to my ear and experiencing global destruction. I don't want to have anything to do with this.

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III

I want my peace. I want to have a comfortable place I can call my own home and be able to retire to (Which I don't even have now). I want to be able to live good and eat right and be healthy. I want to pursue my own happiness. I want to have sufficient resources for a satisfying life. I want to spend quality time with a good woman, who is in a fully committed long-term relationship with me and devote some quality time also to my friends and to my travels and adventures.
And most importantly I want the government to stay out of my private life!

Firearms are cool by the way – they just shouldn't be used in order to fight wars with us being at risk (or better yet no wars should be happening at all) because of the governments disagreement or abused by criminals. If anything, military training is alright also in order to practice it in a way of sporting or a hobby kind of thing.

Wars belong to video games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield or in the movies, just not in our everyday lives.

If you look at history then you will know, that reasons for wars were commonly including but not limited to: War over resources, finances, conquering areas and disharmony. But we do not benefit from fighting wars. The benefits reap mostly only those above us. We only lose it all!

And I am just an average citizen. Not a powerful member of the government. That's just who I am and this is my voice and perspective. I cannot control our own future.

I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III
I Am a Young Man and I Don't Want World War III
Post Opinion