For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

How Germany became the Nazi insanely similar to how American is going to become 'great again'.

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

You all know what Trump is doing (even those of you who like to live in denial), but here is what Hitler did to rise to power:

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

1. Open Racism Stops Suddenly

Hitler denounces all racism except antisemitism...until, after 6 years, he no longer did! What is Trump doing just over half a year after being elected? Making excuses for the Nazis and the KKK... A huge Hitler sign if I ever saw one!

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

2. He Reins In His Most Violent Supporters

As Trump, Hitler won his last election with a smaller number of votes (33%)...and still managed to win.

"Hitler's mandate came from non-Nazis. Some of those voters were even Jews, who liked his economic policies and thought he was just kidding about the racism."

Remind you of someone? Yup, I'm talking to you, deluded Trump supporter...

[I mean if you're actually racist, a bigot, a Nazi...then you know exactly what you're doing there.]

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!
For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

"Watch the legislation he champions and advocates. If he starts attacking journalists by "opening" libel laws, which he's promised to do, that'll be a sign. If his pick for attorney general (probably Rudy Giuliani) supports violent police responses to protesters and minorities, that'll be another sign."

3. He Remakes The Military

Just as Hitler was able to defeat the German military which was much bigger than his own, and give out outrageous racist and bigoted orders, so could Trump... (But America is still a very long way away from that - hopefully it will never happen.)

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

"If Trump starts firing a lot of generals and admirals for reasons more frivolous than "trying to start World War Three," that'd be another space on our Hitler Bingo card."

4. He Builds An Infrastructure For Oppression

Hitler took over the police and the secret intelligence offices - as Trump is doing, putting his own people in charge of everything.

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!

You might argue he's hiring his own relatives, and he isn't doing it for the power, but for the money...but money IS power [not to mention presidency is power] and whether we like it or not, some of those people might be the ruin of your America. So either accept it and do something about it or just roll over and become the next neo-Nazi target!

For all of those who said Trump shouldn't be compared to Hitler: This is for you!
Post Opinion