The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Communism is a ideology that has oppressed millions of people, yet communist apologists still defend it even though the proof of communism’s evil deeds is shown to them. Some will even go as far to try to justify the atrocities of communism as a necessary evil. It’s quite sad that many of my fellow millennials seem to look up to communism just because of it’s anti religious views. Communist regimes all share similar cruel actions such as Suppression of religion, imprisonment, mistreatment and or execution of those opposed to Communism, censorship and forced labor. Here are some of the many atrocities committed under communism.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

1.) Soviets

The Soviet Union was guilty of many war crime that have been ignored due to the fact the Soviets where fighting the axis. Even during WWII, several historical figures on the western allied side like George S Patton knew that Stalin’s Soviet Union was a threat.

Red terror: This is one of the earliest known atrocities committed by the communists. In this event, the Cheka(Bolshevik secret police) would commit some of the most disturbing atrocities committed by communists. They would detain officers of the white army and burn them alive, they would impale clergymen, they would put naked people into barrels adorned with nails inside and roll them around, they would even throw water on naked people out in the cold until they were frozen in place and many more atrocities.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Religious persecution: From 1917-1941, religious people were under attack by the communists. Many religious people(Christians, Jews etc) were arrested and usually executed. Religious property was also seized by the communists and atheistic propaganda was also spread. The communists would also resort to burning down churches. Yet no matter what the communists did, they could never fully suppress the will of the religious people. After 1941, the Soviet gov’t started to ease their militant anti religious agenda. It’s even rumored that Stalin started to have second thoughts about his anti religious views.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Great purge: This is an example of how psychologically incompetent Stalin was. He had citizens and his fellow politicians arrested and executed under suspicions that they were attempting to overthrow him. Gas vans were used during the purges.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Stalin’s rallies: Stalin even forced his audience to clap anybody who stopped clapping would be arrested by the NKVD, it got so extreme that Stalin had to have a whistle blow to let the audience know when to stop clapping but even then nobits dared to stop clapping as can be seen in this video.

Katyn Forrest massacre: This one has quite the story. Originally it was blamed on the Nazis but ever since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian records have been released acknowledging that the Soviet NKVD was responsible for the mass execution of 22,000 Polish military officers. Despite how many documents have confirmed that the NKVD were responsible, and even Russia acknowledging it, there are certain communist apologists who refuse to believe it was done the NKVD.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Soviet war crimes: The most controversial atrocity that many people refuse to even talk about are the mistreatment of POWs, rapes, murders of civilians and looting committed by the red army during WWII and after WWII. The most notorious acts committed by the red army happened in post war Berlin Germany. A lot of people who like to assume all Germans were Nazis, will be insensitive and say “so what, they were Nazis”. Would they be saying something similar about the Russians, had Germany occupied Russia? There are countless photos, survivors and eye witness accounts, that confirm the barbaric actions of the red army and NKVD. A good portion of red army troops were criminals who were in prison prior to WWII, that explains their heinous acts.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Forcing their idealogy onto other nations: After WWII, the Soviet Union forced communism onto the countries they “liberated”. All of the countries in Eastern Europe had puppet governments installed in them which formed the notorious iron curtain. For about 45 years, the people of Eastern Europe suffered under puppet communist governments.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

2.) Mao Zedong

Another communist regime that is often said to be worse than Stalin’s regime. Had Imperial Japan never invaded China, then China would not have fallen to communism.

Great leap forward: A failed attempt at industrializing China that resulted in a famine and 45 million deaths.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Great proletarian revolution: A purge of people who opposed Mao’s communist regime. Mao was known for ordering the detainment and torture of opposers.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

3.) Pol pot

A brutal communist dictator from Cambodia. Eventually he lost against Vietnam in a war which led to the collapse of his regime.

Khmer Rouge: Pol Pot led a very oppressive communist party that was responsible for killing 1.5-3 million people through torture, forced labor and executions. Many of the people the Khmer Rouge killed were for their religions and for their ethnicity.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

4.) Fidel Castro

A recently deceased communist dictator of Cuba who was known for his political repressions. For these reasons, many Cubans fled Cuba for the US.

Mass executions: Fidel Castro was known for ordering executions of people as a form of discipline and as a form of punishment for people he considered disloyal.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

imprisonment: He imprisoned homosexuals, transsexuals and those who tried to leave his country without permission.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

5.) East Germany

Not many people know about the human rights abuses that happened there. Which were the result of East German secret police called the “Stasi”. After the Cold War, only a select few member of Stasi were tried for their actions. Even the Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal considered them to be worse than the gestapo.

Hohenschönhausen prison: The East German secret police was known for their detainment of many East German citizens. This prison was kept secret from it’s citizens and was used to imprison and torture any citizen that was considered a threat.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Zersetsung: A form of psychological harassment employed by the Stasi which included breaking into homes and manipulating the position of furniture, mailing inappropriate items to targets etc.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

6.) North Korea

North Korea has a long history of oppressing it’s own people and giving poor treatment to several foreigners that end up in North Korea, most frightening of all is how it sends out undercover operatives to operate in foreign terrritory. North Korea is currently lead by a dictator named Kim Jong Un.

Forced labor: the most notorious actions of North Korea is it’s forced labor policies. Not only does it’s citizens work at unreasonable schedules, it also employs forced labor as a form of punishment.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Mass executions: The North Korean Gov’t is known for executing many people indiscriminately.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Suppression of religion: Due to North Korea being a communist nation, it’s very oppressive to those who practice religion. Not that long ago a North Korean family was executed just for owning a bible. The only form of worship that is allowed and is enforced is worship towards their leader.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Presence on foreign soil: Perhaps most shocking of all, It’s known that the North Korean gov’t sends out operatives to perform tasks against people in neighboring countries. Pictured below is a Japanese girl named Megumi Yokota that was kidnapped by a North Korean operative in the 1970s when she was only 13.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

Closing thoughts

Communist apologists need to stop ignoring the atrocities committed by the communists and stop glorifying the few good things that certain communists did, those few good deeds do not redeem communism.

Communist apologists assume that “real communism” hasn’t succeeded yet. Well that’s because it only looks good on paper but doesn’t work when put to practice. Communist apologists also claim that Communism was a Christian invention, maybe it’s true but Karl Marx took it and transfomed it into something else. Which means that Marx’s communism is a tainted version of Christian communism.

People sssume that the fall of the Soviet Union ensures that Communism would no longer be a threat to humanity. Well unfortunately Communism still poses a threat but the reason why people don’t see this threat is because they are looking in the wrong places. Instead of looking at countries like North Korea, look at the radical left wingers(not liberals in general), they constantly advocate communism and don’t respect freedom of speech. In other words, people should speak out against communism more often in a civilized manner.

Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

If communist apologists assume communism was so “great”, they should try tell that to the people who lived through it’s horrors, those who lived through the horrors of communism will put the communist apologist in his or her place. Just ask the Poles what they think of communism, they absolutely despise both Communism and Nazism because they’ve experienced the horrors of both ideologies.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)

And in summary, Dennis praeger explains it perfectly.

The Atrocities of Communism (18+)
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