Why I Hate Both Political Parties

Why I Hate Both Political Parties


-This article is not intended to be a comprehensive political analysis.

-These opinions are my own based on experience, research, and observation.

-This will attempt to be fair but you may not find it to be so. I'm not sure I entirely care tbh.

-Please discuss or debate logically and with respect. NO name calling, belittling, or racial epithets otherwise you will get reported.

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American politics is becoming a slow cancer to us all. It’s divisive, annoying and full of false equivalences and false information. Facebook plays a huge role in this.

(Facebook might actually be the Mark of the Beast. I’m not religious but the level of discord, misinformation and broken friendships on that website has gone WAY up in the past few years. The algorithm caters to your point of view only and it’s a gateway to radicalism. You’re never presented with opposing views so all you see are articles that confirm your skewed world view.)

But I’m taking the time to day to burst your bubble. It’s clear a lot of you don’t come across people from the opposite side of the political spectrum often. So this should be fun. Let’s step out of our respective echochambers and hash some things out.


1. Anytime someone disagrees with you, they’re always a triggered-libtard-snowflake-Marxist.

You guys do not respond to criticism well. At all. Instead of debating a point logically and concisely, you send memes and gifs of people to get across your viewpoint. More often than not, I’ve seen conservatives go out of their way to call people names, berate them, and insult their intelligence. Even if a liberal wanted to have a respectful conversation, how many of you would be down for that without the extra drama? Ya make it difficult to see your point as valid when you undermine your intelligence so often.

2. You claim all media is “fake news” but watch Alex Jones and FOX News? Come on now.

Now I’m stepping on some toes. I know that a lot of conservatives (especially my ex) loathed Donald Trump but voted for the man out of necessity, they had no better options in 2016. This....doesn’t apply to you.

This is for the MANY Republicans who eat whatever Trump shits out. The man lies constantly. Look at the filthy rich people he surrounds himself with, how is that ANY different than any other president? Tell me how. A billionaire in the Oval Office isn’t going to deliver on major economic reform that would help the middle class - it’s not in the best interest of his company or his rich friends (which include the Clintons by the way). Kinda hard to disrupt the system when he benefits from it directly. But that’s too much common sense.

What does this have to do with news media? Before Trump was even president, he was putting out false information to make it seem like the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES was not American (It’s called Birtherism). He claims all news sources that don’t spit out his transparent agenda are fake. But watches overtly biased news like Fox and Friends? And what do you make of Steve Bannon, founder of Brietbart News? Come on.

You can’t ignore credible news sources for that random Patriot blog you found on Google. There’s a lot of misinformation out there - but I’d rather find some information from the New Yorker than a random fringe journalist trying to sell me a bug-out bag.

3. Equating social justice movements to Marxists in authoritian regimes? False equivalence

We we can hash out the problems and the success of Black Lives Matter but come on now. Their platform is much more extensive than just police brutality/police reform. And it would help to remember that the police in the US are becoming more and more militarized. In your haste to write off the complaints of black people, don’t forget MANY white people are being bullied by bad cops. There’s a viral video of a man being executed by a cop - and BLM was quick to come to his defense. These movements can be problematic but if we don’t do anything to stop what’s happening, we will have a military state. It can happen in America too - we aren’t that special.

4. You have an accountability problem.

No seriously, you really do. A great example is the piss poor state of Alabama that thought it was a good idea to have an alleged child predator in public office. HOW IS THAT EXCUSABLE? The RNC is trashier than ever, making excuses for the worst of the worst, just so you don’t lose seats to Democrats. This is where bipartisanship has come to.

Where is the new talent in the RNC? Why do you guys continue to excuse the behavior of clearly corrupt individuals who have direct ties to corporations? If they aren’t running around touching little kids in Jesus’ name, they’re robbing you blind. Where are the standards of excellence in your party? At least Democrats booted Al Franken out - they’re trying to clean up house and you should to, instead of making excuses.

And while you’re at it, keep that energy and challenge the president. All is NOT well because a Republican is in office - he doesn’t even respect your traditional family values! Check him and make sure he’s doing his job properly, this isn’t the time to rest on your laurels.


1. You spend more time demonizing Trump supporters than understanding them.

Now before you fight me in the comment section, hear me out. The DNC is trash, just as trashy as the RNC. And Democrats will continue to lose because they don’t get why people voted for Trump in the first place. A lot of his supporters only voted for him because he was the only viable conservative option - conservatives don’t even LIKE the guy, but the other option was Hillary and I can’t even be mad. Conservatism does not equal Trump. He’s a nightmare for all of us.

And the only way to ensure the DNC doesn’t embarrass themselves again is by asking hard questions. Writing everyone off as a racist isn’t a solution but part of the problem. Trump supporters aren’t your enemy - they hate the establishment just like you do.

2. Everything isn’t relative.

A lot of liberals don’t understand their relative bias for everything. They have a Post Modernist view of almost every subject - it’s so annoying at times. Certain things are social constructions, but do realize this is all THEORY not truth?? As a student of political science, it’s becoming clearer how many liberals are indoctrinated to believe THIS is the only way to be, the only way to think.

Now I can write a whole mytake on this alone, because the deception runs deep. Some of you completely ignore facts and numbers because you distrust the source. Everything is oppression and everything is about society ruining people’s lives. And I can agree at times, but other times it sounds like a stretch. But like I said, it’s a complicated issue. Just be aware that for every theory there is valid criticism - just because someone doesn’t agree doesn’t make them wrong.

3. You have an accountability problem.

Liberals do the same things conservatives do - you evade real conversation and dialogue using deflection tactics and false equivalences. The average Republican is NOT trying to ruin the United States. A lot of them are really concerned about the economy actually, so their priorities are just a little different. We can hash out social justice over decades, but if the US defaults on our debt WE won't HAVE A COUNTRY WORTH LIVING IN. Just a thought.

Liberals don’t want our democratic presidents to be accountable either. We make excuses and deflect from Obama’s failures. Yes he was a black president and he encountered A LOT of racism but that doesn’t excuse his warmongering in other countries, his corporate interests, etc. He was an imperialist (but a nice one), and no amount of cute compilations of him giggling can make up for that. HOLD YOUR CANDIDATES ACCOUNTABLE. Especially Hillary Clinton (Not to be confused with Killary).

4. You secretly hate each other

This is where I complain about how cannibalistic you guys are. Conservatives don’t have to do a damn thing, YOU are your own worst enemy. I’ve seen so many liberals tear each other apart over who is more liberal and morally righteous. It’s insane. You fight over petty ass differences for what? You still lose, and you continue to do so.

What’s the point in debating minor issues when the overall goal is to make people’s lives better?

Example: If a feminist criticizes the LGBTQ community, is their life’s work gone forever? Because I’ve seen the way some of you attack your own and blame THEM for what’s wrong in society. They aren’t the reason trans people get killed, they’re trying to HELP. If you can’t respect their intentions, why would anyone from the opposite side even bother? Where is the loyalty?

These are a few of my generalized thoughts about both sides. I genuinely hope we can both call each other out on our bullshit and evolve. Because the only people winning are the fat rich men at the top.

Why I Hate Both Political Parties
Post Opinion