What People Don't Know About Illegal Guns and Mass Shootings


First off let me get this out of the way. I am a gun owner, registered and licensed. I've been a democrat all my life (even bought my first gun and was registered as a democrat), and as I grew older I became more conservative and now consider myself as a patriot (I did serve in the Military). One thing that I hate and dislike about anti-gun people is that they are misinformed about illegal guns. For anti-gun people, they wholeheartedly believe that crimes, shootings, and mass-shootings involve "Legally" owned guns. The truth is, the percentage of legal guns involved is very small.

"A 2015 study by the University of Chicago suggested that only 11% of guns involved in crimes in Chicago were purchased through federally licensed gun dealers, which require background searches." https://www.chicagocriminallawyerblog.net/2017/09/where-do-all-illegal-guns-from-chicago.html

What is the difference between a legal and illegal gun?

What People Don't Know About Illegal Guns and Mass Shootings

A legal gun is produced through legal means. A company like Colt produces guns like AR-15's. Every part of the AR-15 from the ore mineral that is made to a nozzle is traceable. Gun production is treated like any other production. Examples from batches will be selected for testing, quality and control. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (aka ATF), is present during the testing, quality and control to make sure certain rules are followed.

Now, onto my next point. The picture above is worth a thousand words. Danao City Philippines is the black market capital for illegal handgun manufacturing. An illegally made handgun from Danao is around $150. When it arrives in US soil, the price rises up to $700-2000 depending on your dealer. Keep in mind, just because it is illegally sold, it doesn't mean its much cheaper than their legal counterpart. Sometimes it costs more. These illegal handguns only becomes traceable when it is seized by authorities and are micro-stamped.

Mass Shootings:

-In the year 2017, there were 61,603 cases of Gun Violence and Crimes involving guns, 15,613 deaths and 346 cases of mass shootings. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

- "All stolen guns are available to criminals by definition. Recent studies of adult and juvenile offenders show that many have either stolen a firearm or kept, sold, or traded a stolen firearm:
According to the 1991 Survey of State Prison Inmates, among those inmates who possessed a handgun, 9% had acquired it through theft, and 28% had acquired it through an illegal
market such as a drug dealer or fence. Of all inmates, 10% had stolen at least one gun, and 11% had sold or traded stolen guns." https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/GUIC.PDF

My note: In the above study, we can only assume that 42% of the missing information is whether criminals acquired guns through legal or unknown means. 58% of the inmates acquired their guns Illegally.

- 590 Deaths resulted from Mass Shootings in 2017. https://www.massshootingtracker.org/data/2017

Conflicting sources: The question is, are legal guns more relevant in mass shootings than illegal guns? The NYTimes, and Washingtonpost believes so. "Shooters often carried more than one weapon; one was found with 24. At least 167 of mass shooters’ weapons were obtained legally and 49 were obtained illegally. It’s unclear how 76 weapons were acquired." https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/mass-shootings-in-america/?utm_term=.f0a69954cf9d

With NYTimes and Washingtonpost, I take everything they say with a grain of salt. My reason for that is that these two lied to the people with their "93% chance of Hillary winning" BS.

The Math and Conclusion: If you do the math 346 mass shootings /divided by 61,603 = 0.5%.

In the case of gun violence and gun crime, mass shootings are very rare, and the chances of it happening per 60,000 cases are less than 1%.

- 590 mass shooting deaths /divided by 15,613 total deaths = 3.77%. Out of 15, 613 Gun Violence and Gun Crime deaths in 2017, approximately 4% of it were from mass shootings.

Illegal guns being smuggled, trafficked and flowed to US soil is the problem folks, not the legal guns. Border Patrol in Texas cannot go to Mexico to a suspected origin of smuggled guns. My proposed solution to this is a flexible international law, and a flexible jurisdiction in certain problematic "countries" or "places" where illegal guns originate from. My goal was to inform you people, not change your political view on guns. Thank you.

What People Don't Know About Illegal Guns and Mass Shootings
25 Opinion