Why Do Some Men Find it Socially Acceptable to Catcall or Any Kind of Street Harassment?


As a girl, your just walking down the street, maybe in a dress because you are having a night out, or you just feel confident in it. Guys, put yourself in our shoes.

So your walking down the street and lots of people you don't know are calling you "beautiful" or "gorgeous". You feel creeped out by these comments and insecure, it happens everyday from strangers. The next day you change to a top and some bottoms and they STILL do the same thing. You feel insecure all over again and it never stops!

Why Do Some Men Find it Socially Acceptable to Catcall or Any Kind of Street Harassment?

Some of you may say "What if it makes you feel good about yourself or confident?" Walking down the streets being called out inappropriately doesn't make you feel confident, we just try to ignore it. And it's very hard to ignore someone when they are shouting at you. Then we'll have some other guys in the comments saying "For all you know, they might feel confident and your only speaking for some" Oh really? Read this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2358515/How-women-street-harassment-flattering-None-New-wave-websites-reveal-terrifying-reality-catcalling.html and don't try to still say we feel confident, because it's proved. None of us do.

Please, none of us want to be judged and if women did this to men all the time, they would be sick and tired of this as well.

This is my opinion on the subject and I am sorry if this offends anyone, but no one speaks out about this behaviour and it needs to be stopped!

Please take something from this and I am sorry this is quite long. Enjoy your day and thank you for reading!

Why Do Some Men Find it Socially Acceptable to Catcall or Any Kind of Street Harassment?
45 Opinion