Objective Fact vs Pseudo-Science.

Well, this is an off-shoot of my "take" on Freedom of Speech. In that "take" a very interesting debate arose about Freedom of Speech. Something I had not considered. @Pamina brought up a point about Freedom of Speech. Something that has entered our public discourse slowly over the last few years are these views of pseudo-science, superstition, "fake news", and outright lies. I guess I was so into the Freedom of Speech as a right, I kind of forgot that there are some beliefs that could be considered dangerous. Right here at GaG, we have a number of people who believe the human race is being invaded by lizard human hybrids that come from another planet or something. Maybe one of the er. . .members of the group can stop by and explain everything. We have people who believe in a flat earth. I have a guy who works for me who firmly believes in it. I have had a long drawn out discussion with this guy. He is brilliant, outside of that fruitcake belief. And I have told him he needs to keep those beliefs to himself at the workplace.

Yeah for some reason all other objects in space are round.  But the earth is flat.
Yeah for some reason all other objects in space are round. But the earth is flat.

But then we can move from that belief and go to Global Warming. And the thing that is hilarious is that climate change deniers mock people who believe in a flat earth, when there is only a strand of hair difference between the two. Both groups deny the scientific evidence right in front of them. Both groups ignore the opinion of the vast majority of the expertise in their respective fields. Both groups claims there is a political agenda behind the scientific evidence.

Before our debates used to be about an objective set of facts and about the different ways those facts can be interpreted. But that is no longer true. Now, we don't even agree to what is factual. A person's opinion is fact now. A person who has charisma, who is well spoken, becomes the source for expertise about subjects he knows nothing about.

It looks like our public discourse is getting worse and worse. How do you debate someone who claims you are a lizard human alien from another planet, bent on destroying the human race by electing Hillary Clinton?

If you are not a follower of Trump, then you are apart of the Lizard Human hybrid conspiracy.
If you are not a follower of Trump, then you are apart of the Lizard Human hybrid conspiracy.

Then there is religion. I am a religious person. Probably more spiritual than into organized religion, though I do attend a Lutheran Church. I have always had a respect for science and I see no reason to doubt science objectivity. I just know that science can never tell me where I come from or what I am here for. It cannot give me purpose. So I use science for what it is good at. Which is telling me how to navigate my world and my environment. I know a few scientists, I don't think I know a single one that is not religious. But I don't think that religion belongs in discussions about scientific discoveries. And I don't think my friends support that either. Jesus never had an issue with confusing the two in the Bible. I don't see why we should have a problem.

So my question is, has it finally happened? Are we in the new "Dark Ages" now? Is this what our public discourse has become? How in the world do we have a conversation, political or otherwise when the foundation or framework is warped beyond all recognition? There is simply no common set of facts, principles or ideals that we can even agree upon.

Objective Fact vs Pseudo-Science.
Post Opinion