The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox


I felt like engaging in some self-flattery since I enjoy flattering myself a lot. One of the greatest compliments I tend to receive is from me towards me. :-D

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox

But I'm a chatterbox. I enjoy it. Some of my best friends seem to enjoy it. But I've questioned the wisdom (or lack thereof) behind my tendencies as one of those sorts. And I've concluded, as divorced from my own bias as possible, that I'm very wise! :-D

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox

So let me offer some rationale for why I think this is the case. There's definitely an appeal to the quiet, reserved type reluctant to voice his/her opinion. I idolized those types when I was younger.

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox

But here's the problem with that type. If you rarely ever voice your opinions on matters, how are they supposed to change? How can you go from being "blatantly wrong" to "more right" if you never voice your opinions in the first place?

So I actually think it's wiser to be someone who just freely speaks their own mind provided that they are capable of challenging their own opinions. Naturally someone who just voices their own views stubbornly with no capability to challenge their views is not going to gain much from it. But if someone is capable of challenging their views, then I think it's actually a very wise thing to do.

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox

And I like to think my tendencies to chat a lot is a way to put myself out there and challenge myself. If people disagree with my views then I'm challenged to either communicate them more clearly and disambiguate them if the people misunderstand or I'm challenged to change them if they do understand but offer a very contradictory view. Both of these are good and healthy incentives as I see it.

So anyway, here's to the chatterbox types who aren't afraid to present them views with the intent of challenging themselves in the process.

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox

At the moment I came back home and don't have anyone to clash beer mugs with so I'll just drink two beers.

The Wisdom of Being a Chatterbox
12 Opinion