A theory on how White Knights are formed.


Alas the White Knight:

A woman has been offended !!!- White Knights to the rescue!!!
A woman has been offended !!!- White Knights to the rescue!!!

In the manosphere much is spoken regarding the White Knight. If you are familiar with the many terms often used in the manosphere you have come across this term and more likely than not have a basic understanding of what it means. For those of you who do not know what this entails allow me to elaborate:

A White Knight is a particular types of man , who through various cultural and biological pressures , has the tendency to side with woman and nearly every issues and the the habit of coming to their aide and protection , regardless of what ever the conditions may be or what her behavior is. For example , if a White Knight sees a man and a woman arguing say on the street or a bar, he will automatically come to the woman's aide and defense. He may ask if the guys is bothering her or if she needs help. He may even become physical with the man all with little to no information as to what occurred before he came on to the scene. He does this because , like many men, he believes that the man is always the perpetrator while the female is an innocent victim that must always be protected. It never occurs to him that perhaps it was the woman that assaulted or him or stole from him. In his worldview , woman can do no harm. Everyone one of the them is a princess.

So the question is , what exactly causes men to behave like white knights? I have read some explanations on the manosphere but thus far none seem to fully grasp what I believe are the true root causes of the root causes of White Knight formation. I believe that there are two underlying reasons a to the cause of how the formation of a white knight occurs. Both of these reasons are , I believe , combined in the male mind. The first one being:

1. Sex.

The White Knight , like all men, wants to get laid. We all know this. The desire to procreate is strong in men of all ages. This of course is needed as there is a deep seated biological imperative to ensure the continuity of the species. The jocks , the nerds, the bad boy Alphas, the simpy Betas, the extrovert and the quiet introverts all want to spread their DNA. The modus operandi of the White Knight is one that operates on the premise that a woman will appreciate the actions of the White Knight. That as he comes to her rescue in a street argument , that he tackles or fights some strange man in her name , that if he changes her tire by the the side of the road, or pays for her diner, or carries her heavy boxes for her , if he gives a ride around town in his car to the mall or the airport or what ever the type of aide he gives her she will appreciate this immensely to the point that she will express her gratitude by rewarding him with sex. So for the White Knight his aide to a woman is , in part, motivated by an underlying desire to get laid. Of course , we know that this is a failed reproductive strategy. The woman will appreciate the White Knight's actions as she would appreciate a dog fetching her the newspaper. Men of experience are aware that woman will always spread their legs for the Alpha of the group that neglects and dismisses her. The White Knight does not realize this and perhaps never will. But sex is only part of the equation.

2. Shame/guilt.

Here we go into what I believe is the second and less understood aspect regarding the formation of the White Knight. That being guilt or shame.

As we know the know , the influence of one's parents cannot be overstated when to comes to the development of the child. Many of our values, perspectives, personality traits, and attitudes are inculcated into as through out our time living under our parents wing. Each parental gender has a particular influence on the child; the father instructs while the mother comforts. What I have noticed , in particular , is that is is often the mother / maternal figure that will instill feelings of guilt shame into their young sons. The father will often instruct a boy on how to do something and the reason on why a particular deed or act must be committed or not committed. Let's say that the drive way is covered in snow and the father , who is sick , will ask the young man to shovel the drive way. The young man may protest and the father may become stern with him yet he will tell hm the reason that the snow needs to be shoveled; i.e. it may be difficult to move the car when needed as the snow may get in the way. When a young boy misbehaves he will often hear from his father a reason that he should not misbehave. Say he steals candy from a store the father will not only provide discipline ( i.e. spanking ) but will explain to him the reason he should not steal ; he may get caught and go to jail , he would bring shame to the family. The boy will not appreciate the corrections to his misdeeds ( what young boy does?) but he will be at process the reasons as to why he should not misbehave.

Notice that these corrections to his misbehavior require a certain amount of analysis from the boy. The mother can also provide correction but the underlying motivation that she will often provide is more of the authoritarian nature. She may or may not provide reasons as to why the boy misbehaves but she will , in most cases , use the very powerful emotional motivator of guilt;

"You will do these things because I am your mother!!!!" If the boy objects tor protests to any of her wishes. If the boy becomes a bit sassy she will respond " How dare you speak to me that way !! I am your mother"

If , let us say on the playground , the boy is attacked by a violent girl or group of girls and he defends himself it is the mother that will say " How dare you hit a girl!!! Never hit a girl !!!"

If , for example there is a girl that appears to be struggling with some physical object , i.e. moving some boxes are heavy books , it is the mother that will instill this notion of " A gentle men must always help a lady" So the boy rushes off to help the girl.

Later on in life , as he goes through the many changes of puberty , and he begins to notice the pretty girls at school , it is the mother and also the father that will instill a certain sense of what some call "chivalry" Always open the door, always offer your seat , carry her things, etc. If someone bothers her , in particular male , he is encouraged to step into her defense. Note he may not have the full picture of what is going on but he is inculcated to believe that she is under siege and that the male is automatically the bad guy.

When he begins to date perhaps even have a girlfriend he will often be taught that the woman can have any guy she wishes but that she chose him; " I am so lucky to have her" The implication here being that he is somehow unworthy of her companionship. Note that in many western societies the man is often pressure to get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage. Here we see the same thing ; the man must beg her for the privilege of her life long companion ship.

He must beg her.

He must beg her because he is unworthy, he must beg her because he is so lucky that she has chosen to spend her precious time with him, he must beg her because she can provide him with an opportunity to spread his DNA.

So , in the eyes of the white knight a woman is not just a woman but a Woman. He has been taught that she is to be the center of his life , that she is to be protected at all costs , that she is never to be disagreed with , that he is never to upset her , that he is to be her provider and protector.

Any man that is astute enough to observe and bold enough to point out that the many faults of this cultural mentality is quickly shamed into silence. He is not a real man. He must be gay. He is angry because he is single.

He may notice that many woman have jobs and thus do not need a man's financial security, he may note that many woman also commit crimes as men do , he may notice that may of the perpetrators of domestic violence are in fact woman, that much of the physical and sexual abuse carried out against children are in fact perpetrated by woman , he my note that the behavior of young woman in public becomes less and less lady like as the years go by, he may note that many younger woman are very promiscuous in their sexual habits.

But none of this will matter any more. The seed has already been planted in the male mind ; woman can do no wrong , commit no sin, cause no injury , they are weak and fragile and must be protected from all the wolves and monsters that inhabit the dark forest.

Thus , the White Knight is born.

A theory on how White Knights are formed.
4 Opinion