What in the world is a "Western Value"?


I think it is well known to a lot of folks (especially to those of you who are outside of the U.S.) here that GaG in general, works off a different set of rules than the rest of the world when it comes to defining terms, political ideology and just basic reality.

This question is an example.

Many folks at GaG claim to be "Conservative". The weird thing is what they claim is or is not "Conservative". A lot of people here claim that Western values or Western Civilization or Capitalism are all synonymous with what they claim to be "Conservative".

So narrowly defined, Conservatism is a strict adherence to Capitalistic principles, with a weird sometimes racial/sometimes cultural component definition of European genetic/values supremacy and purity, coupled with a disdain for homosexuality/transgenderism, etc.

So one begins to wonder exactly what is a Western value or what is Western Civilization?

1. Is homosexuality a Western Value? Is it "Conservative"? Especially seeing that other societies outside of what we consider to be the "West" have an absolute disdain for homosexuality?

Here is where homosexuality is outlawed. None of these nations can be considered in the "West" or if you are using a definition, one would not traditionally make the claim these nations were "Western".

Please note that almost every nation within Europe and the Americas has legalized homosexuality.
Please note that almost every nation within Europe and the Americas has legalized homosexuality.

2. Is it Conservative or Western to be culturally diverse or to not be culturally diverse? Of course, this is the only true measure of diversity. But most "supposed" Conservatives at GaG are not concerned about culture. They are concerned about race. So I will get to that in a moment. Here is the list of the most culturally diverse nations. The first clearly Western nation on this list is Canada, and they are 60th.

Rank Country Score
1 Papua New Guinea 1.000
2 Tanzania 0.953
3 Congo 0.933
4 Uganda 0.930
5 Liberia 0.899
6 Cameroon 0.887
7 Togo 0.883
8 South Africa 0.880
9 Congo 0.878
10 Madagascar 0.861


The methodology for making these determinations is fully explained there. They use two studies one of ethnic group membership coupled with some standard for determining race. They make the claim that it is objective, which is silly. But anyway.

3. So now onto the GaG version of diversity, race. So is it Western to be racially diverse or not be racially diverse. Let's look at the most racially diverse nations;

1. United States
2. Brazil
3. Colombia
4. Canada
5. Panama
6. Trinidad And Tobago
7. Guyana
8. Suriname
9. Belize

In the top ten there isn't another nation that could be considered to be "Westernized". It is just the U.S. and Canada, despite all the whining over the Muslim invasion of Europe. But the weirdest thing here is that in classic race theory, Arabs are "White". And many here at GaG consider themselves to be "White". . .as an example;

Why Europeans think Arabs are brown?

Do you consider people from North Africa and the Middle East to be "White" by race only?

Why do Europeans are called as Caucasians although most Northern Middle Easterns have more Caucasian DNA than almost all Europeans?

4. When it comes to free markets and capitalism, this maybe the only place where GaG comes close to reflecting real world beliefs. But still, the U.S. only comes in 12th. The list comes from the Heritage Foundation.

1. Hong Kong

2 Singapore

3. New Zealand

4. Switzerland

5. Australia

6. Ireland

7. United Kingdom

8. Canada

9. UAE

10. Taiwan

5. I thought our good friends at the Cato Institute would be a good source for determining the list for this next standard. Is it Conservative or not Conservative to have a free and open society? Well let's look at what the Cato Institute has found;

What in the world is a
Of course the darker colors represent the nations with the highest "freedom" index in terms of politics, identity, relationships, movement, economics, etc.

At GaG, this is one of the weirdest standards, since the answer to that question is dependent like all of the questions in this take. . .on the political argument you are making.

And that is the point I am asserting with each of these observations. If you are trying to make the claim that being free and open is a good thing, then it is a Conservative or Western value at GaG. If you are trying to make the claim that too much freedom and being too open can cause chaos and disruption, it is not a Conservative or Western value. The argument is purely a political one. It isn't based upon objective definition for what is free, capitalistic, or even conservative.

What should be considered to be Western are the qualities that are associated with what we consider to be Western Civilization. As you can see, that means;

1. A respect for individual liberty, rights and freedoms. But most at GaG have no respect for an individual's rights and freedoms actually.

2. Free market capitalism, although many other nations around the world practice it. And they are better practitioners than nations we consider to be Western.

3. Racial/Cultural diversity, while "tolerated" is not something that is essential or even a major factor in the maintenance of Western states, since most don't value it. I have pointed this out repeatedly when it comes to Europe. But some folks enjoy living their fantasies.

4. Western nations respect the rule of law. Though many in GaG would like to dispense with it in favor of mob rule.

5. Freedom of expression is a staple of Western nations.

But the point of this "take" is the definition of what it means to be "Western" is not subject to the political aspirations of the folks at GaG. It is clearly defined by what Western societies do and what they value.

What in the world is a "Western Value"?
30 Opinion