A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long


Men suffer just as much as women do but society doesn’t seem to care. Men have been considered expendable for far too long. Men are treated like working animals rather than people. Here are the biggest issues men face that need to be fixed sooner rather than later.

1. Sex crimes against males:

Males rarely come forward because they know they’ll often be made fun of and not taken seriously. One has to wonder just how many males out there have suffered a sex crime but are keeping it to themselves.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

2. Innocent men are wrongly imprisoned after being falsely accused of a sex crime:

How many times has a man had his life ruined because of a false accusation and yet no outrage from the 4th wave feminist movement. This is why men are afraid to interact with non related women.

Archie Williams exonerated after 36 years, when it was discovered that he never committed the rape and murder he was accused of.
Archie Williams exonerated after 36 years, when it was discovered that he never committed the rape and murder he was accused of.

3. Forced marriage against men:

You probably didn’t know that happens, did you? In certain countries men are abducted and forced into marriage. Yet the mainstream news sources don’t bother to talk about this.

4. Men suffer domestic abuse too:

You think it’s only husbands who are the perpetrators, think again. Sometimes it’s the other way around. But much like males who suffer sex abuse, they too are often times ignored and made fun of.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

5. Heightism/short shaming:

Whelp, so much for “body acceptance” yet men are constantly shamed for a trait they have no control over. Heightism is a illogical attitude because whether you are short medium or tall there are pros and cons to your height. For example, short people might have lower reach but they have the advantage of being more dexterous.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

6. Men make up a large percentage of the homeless:

There are more men than women when it comes to homelessness, I don’t hear 4th wave feminists bringing this up in discussions between “ privilege vs Underprivileged” And not to mention that a certain group of people stoop lower and accuse homeless men of having “toxic masculinity”

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

7. Men are more likely to be victims of a violent crime:

Statistics show that men are more likely to be a victim of a violent crime, yet no outrage. Where are the campaigns against “violence against men”? Where are the protests demanding justice for men who were victims of a violent crime?

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

8. Forced effeminacy:

Forcing a person to be something they don’t want to be is beyond cruel and is totalitarian in nature.

9. Male genital mutilation:

The worse thing that could happen to a male is genital mutilation. No male deserves to be a victim of such a barbaric practice. It’s disgusting how some people find it humorous. It’s an atrocious practice that needs to be eliminated.

10. Men receive harsher sentences than women for the same crime:

It’s well known that women receive lighter sentences than men on average, especially for the same crime.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

11. Male rape is poorly portrayed in the media:

Male rape in movies and shows is rarely shown in a serious manner, it often done in a humorous way and when it’s done in a more serious manner, a certain crowd throws temper tantrums because they think it is “unnecessary” to show that men can fall victim to rape. Even worse, when it’s a female on male rape scene, some members of the same crowd consider it “empowering” for women.

12. Socially acceptable to put down men:

You can poke fun at a man’s genitals, openly say that “women are better than men”, physically attack men, promote violence against men as “female empowerment” and outright vilify men yet the 4th wave feminists stay silent and play along with it or take part in it. On Father’s Day Topeka PD basically mocked all fathers by posting a very unprofessional tweet. Yeah they apologized for it but I doubt it was a sincere apology.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

13. Asian men are treated as expendable:

Out of all the races, Asians especially Asian men are the most underrepresented. They are treated as if they are at the bottom of a hierarchy. They rarely get lead roles in the entertainment industry, they get laughed at and nobody vouches for the Asian community when an Asian is a victim of discrimination or a crime. And when an Asian male stands up for himself, people get upset.

14. Double standard of male objectification:

Why is there only outrage when women are sexually objectified yet there’s absolute silence when men are objectified?

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

15. Men have a higher workplace fatality rate than women:

It’s a well known fact that more men die at work than women. It’s been like this for many years. The reason being that more men take up the higher risk jobs that pay handsomely.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

16. Men more likely to die in war:

This should be obvious but surprisingly some people think it’s other way around. All research has proven that men make up the largest casualties of war.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

17. There are higher suicide rates among men than women:

The entertainment industry makes it seem as if women are the primary victims of suicide but in reality men make up the larger numbers of suicide victims. The reasons being that men aren’t usually open about their feelings and because male suicide victims usually use more “effective” means.

A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long

For the record, I’m not saying that women don’t have their own issues they deal with on a daily basis that need to be fixed but it’s unfair to treat men’s issues as “unimportant”. Us men aren’t machines, we are human beings too.These are all issues that men go through that are almost never talked about. The only people who actually have brought these issues to public attention and have actually been trying to combat these issues are the men’s rights groups and non feminist women.

In order to solve these issues. People, specifically the liberals and 4th wave feminists need to stop looking in the wrong places and blaming imaginary boogeymen. Don’t blame so called “toxic masculinity”, don’t blame the so called “patriarchy”. If you want to blame something then think critically and look in the mirror to root out the toxic elements on your side but most importantly, acknowledge that some things can’t be blamed on anyone. Further more, crocodile tears aren’t sincere but if the liberal and 4th wave feminist communities truly want to help males, then they should listen to what males want and don’t force their political agendas onto males.

Don’t forget about this special day that goes under most people’s radars.
Don’t forget about this special day that goes under most people’s radars.















A brief list of men’s issues that have been ignored for far too long
80 Opinion