Sexual Offence In Britain: It Needs To Be Ended


I have had countless debates with people on this website about sexual offence in Britain. I've seen crazy figures (many times with no credible backing) being thrown around this website. I'm a British citizen, I've lived here my whole life and have never left England and I've done my own research and I have gathered statistics and information from unbiased credible sources and here is what I have to say about sexual offence going on in the UK.

Sexual Offence and Ethnicity

Statistics from 2009-2017 by GOV.UK
Statistics from 2009-2017 by GOV.UK

Link to the stats themselves:

Over time, I've seen many people point the finger at South Asians and black people, and specifically Pakistani men. Well, I am not going to deny it, yes there are South Asians, black people and Pakistani (which falls under South Asian) men committing these disgusting crimes which make me sick to the stomach.

These statistics clearly show there are people of many ethnicities, therefore, I myself have come to the conclusion that this is not a race issue because if it was then, only one race would have this issue but it is evident that many races have these sick people within their communities.

Note that these few sick people in a community do not represent the race as a whole. And that goes for any race!

And GOV.UK came to this conclusion:

Sexual Offence In Britain: It Needs To Be Ended

Now recently, I wrote a MyTake about living in a multicultural society, and one person responded with this image:

A biased claim about Naz Shah
A biased claim about Naz Shah

UPDATE: It has recently come to light, that she did not say that, but she liked and retweeted a tweet saying that. However, the mistake was said to have been "rectified within minutes" as she unliked the tweet and unretweeted it. It was most likely an honest mistake. Tell me this, why would somebody who has been working on these cases for approximately 20 years, do something as such? Firstly, if she really didn't care about the victims then why has she been working with and for them for so long? Secondly, why would she pour all the work she has done down the drain, just for one tweet?

It's not impossible to accidently like or repost something. It's happened to me on many occasions. MPs are human, and they will make mistakes just like you and I.

Borish Johnson, the man running to be Prime Minister of our country, has made comments suggesting he believes the police spending money on historic cases of child sex abuse is a waste of time:

Sexual Offence In Britain: It Needs To Be Ended

I'll tell you what this will do for the public. Bring those victims which are apart of our British public justice, and if the offender(s) happen to still be alive, they will be locked up behind bars, which will prevent them from hurting any more children.

Why did the person who responded to my MyTake with the meme of Naz Shah, not also respond with a meme of Borish Johnson with the words he actually said?

Plus Naz Shah said this so is admitting a problem within her own community, and within other communities too:

Labour MP, Naz Shah's actual words.
Labour MP, Naz Shah's actual words.

Firstly here is the source of where I got this quote from:

She is a British Pakistani, and she knows and identifies the problem with certain men who happen to be Pakistani which are represented disproportionately when it comes to such sick crimes. She knows that isn't racist to say. But also she highlights the fact that on the UK sex offender register, 90% of the offenders are white males.

When I told somebody about this statistic they claimed that white men making up 90% of the sex offender register was more acceptable because it is proportion the amount of white males in the UK.

That made me sick to my stomach.

Do you know what would be a more acceptable figure for any race on the sex offenders register? 0%. Because in this day and age, in my country, in any country for that matter, the sex offenders register should not exist because sexual offence should not take place!

Nazir Afzal

A little bit about Nazir Afzal
A little bit about Nazir Afzal

This man is one brilliant man. Nazir Afzal is the reason that grooming gangs are prosecuted and behind bars and are not walking in the streets of Britain eyeing up their next victim.

What I find ironic is that so many people rush to talk about the Pakistani men who groom young girls, but I don't see anyone give credit to the Pakistani solicitor who got these same men who groom people off of the streets!

Afzal had the power in his hands. He could have easily thought: "These are men from my community I'm not going to send them down because us ethnics need to stick together" and set them free.

But instead, he prosecuted them, because those what those men did was disgusting! Those men don't represent Pakistani men or the Pakistani community for that matter. Those men don't represent ethnics in Britain or anywhere. Those men don't represent multiculturalism. Those men don't represent humanity! And nor does any man or woman or any ethnicity who commits a sexual offence.

How about the police?

The police. Police officers often get blamed for not being able to do anything about this, but what good is it blaming the police officer when back in 2015 their services got cut even further? The police are working with what they have, and what they have is simply not enough.

Theresa May accusing the police of crying wolf one time and then denying it:

Theresa May: "I'm NoT sUrE iF I uSeD eXaCtLy ThAt PhRaSe"

Also Theresa May: "ThIs CrYiNg WoLf HaS tO sToP"

I mean they didn't make the "liar liar" song for nothing. ;)

The police weren't crying wolf, they were crying for help. Because they knew with less of them to patrol the streets criminals get more comfortable because there are fewer police officers around to potentially stop them so committing crime becomes easier. And if someone calls 999 chances are they're not going to get here for a while because they just don't have enough resources to get to a crime scene fast enough.

For the British readers, I don't know if this happens in your area, but in my area, if someone's robbed your home, the police will come but there isn't much they'll do apart from telling you to get CCTV. They won't even do a fingerprint test to see who's been there, they'll only do a DNA test if the robber has left any blood. My dad sometimes tells me to leave the light on downstairs so that way the robbers don't see our house as a target, and he always tells us to close the windows at night.

It's no good blaming the police for things like this though because when they were telling everyone what would happen they got accused of "crying wolf" whilst MPs got a raise. So really, not one of us has the right to sit here and point the finger at our police officers.

How does this link to a sexual offence?

If more police were patrolling the streets, they could keep an eye out for these young girls. If more police were patrolling the streets, some of these disgusting sex offenders would immediately get off the streets in fear of getting caught. Some may stay and still try to commit horrific acts, but a policeman could stop a young naive girl getting into a car, and then do a check on the man which told her to get in the car. Chances are the disgusting sex offender wouldn't do that again, and may even be behind bars sooner.

But because there are less and less police patrolling the streets, in fact, in some areas there are no police patrolling the streets the disgusting sex offenders do not have the fear of a policeman or woman stopping them and asking them questions so that instantly makes young people more vulnerable to their attack.

And you have the nerve to blame Sadiq Khan?

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.

Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London. In a discussion, one person blamed Sadiq Khan for these disgusting crimes happening! If Theresa May was the ones who made the cuts to the police, then how is it in any way Sadiq Khan at fault? His government isn't power, the conservative government is, the one who made further cuts to the police. And before you use the argument "Well labour started the cuts the police cuts back in 2000", that may be true, but the tories had the chance to change that, and did they? No. They added fuel to the fire instead of putting it out! Had the tories given the police officers the money they needed I'd have no reason to be against them, and if you're going to say to me "well you're not against Labour" actually, I strongly dislike Tony Blair, so yes, I am against what he did too.

One person went on to say "Sadiq Khan stopped police from doing their jobs because he put an end to stop and search." Actually, that is false, because if he did put an end to stop and search then why does GOV.UK have a page about 'stop and search' still up?

The GOV.UK "Police powers to stop and search: your rights" link:

This article states that Sadiq Khan wants to increase stop and search but would like to make sure it isn't done poorly and nobody is targetted purely because of their race:

So Sadiq Khan is doing what he can, much like the police, Sadiq Khan is working with what he has which again just isn't enough.

Final Conclusion:

Firstly, we need to stop focusing on the race of the sex offender. It is evident that people of black, white, Asian, mixed, and other ethnicities partake in a sexual offence, so it's clearly not a race issue. If we spent time in actually listening to the victims and the police than just gawping at the offender's ethnic background, voices which need to be heard will be heard and we would all be working together to get these sickos off the streets of our country.

Secondly, we need to listen to the police. They need more funding it is said that since the Conservative Party police cuts, that since 2010, more than 20,000 police officers have been cut from the police. Imagine we had those 20,000 police officers across England helping to look out for our youth, a lot of these sickening crimes could have been prevented.

Before we move on from the second point, here is where I got my 20,000 figure from:

Thirdly we need to stand together. Not point the finger at different communities because these sick horrendous people don't represent any community, other than the sex offenders. No parent of any ethnic background wants their son or daughter or any child for that matter to be assaulted in any way especially disgusting assaults like these. We as UK citizens need to work with the police, with the victims, with the prosecutors and with each other to put an end to this.

I'm willing to stand with anybody who wants to put an end to this. Are you?

Let's Stand Together as Human Beings and End Sexual Violence
Let's Stand Together as Human Beings and End Sexual Violence
Sexual Offence In Britain: It Needs To Be Ended
33 Opinion