The History of Abortion and Why I Support It

Throughout history, the termination of a pregnancy has always been present. Whether a shushed occurence or a widely spoken act, it has always been there.

The first recorded induced abortion happened in Egypt, 1550 BCE. In India, 1075 BCE, Assyrian Law stated that the penalty for abortion was death; however, this is the only written law that introduced a punishment for the act. In the law, it had to be procured against the husbands wishes for any legal action to occur.

From that time and forward, many methods were used to induce an abortion. Including but not limited to: extreme activity, herbs and poultice, tight corsets; and of course, the widely refered to method with surgical tools.

The History of Abortion and Why I Support It

Large spurts of records show abortions occurring more commonly during famines, especially in Japan during a famine in the 12th century. In the Greek and Roman era, silphium was used as a form of birth control but was rumored to be used as a herb to start an abortion. The plant was so symbolic that it was actually used on a coin of currency for the Cyrenians; however, the plant is now extinct. Abortion was widely accepted in Roman and Greek times and was only suggested to be unacceptable if the husband had died as the child would've been their heir.

As for societal attitudes around the act, it was widely believed that the fetus didn't have a human soul until at least a month. In other texts, philosophers regarded the practice as inhuman and wrong; but, for comparison, also saw surgical practices as wrong citing the Hippocratic Oath.

Nearing the modern era, abortion became criminalized more in western civilizations. As with the advancement of healthcare and medical knowledge, came the cheap and usually dangerous ways to expel a pregnancy. Often untrained doctors, woman would go on to die on their medical tables. As for punishment, death penalty was common but cases were often based upon a mothers testimony of when a 'quickening' had occurred. For those that don't know, a quickening is when the first movements of the fetus can be felt. In the 1800's, a more replaced stance was taken before it quickly turned in the 1900's. After more laws were passed through the states, the womans right movement began, along with the fight to vote, and the Roe VS Wade case legalized abortion. (U.S)

Meanwhile, in France, abortion was simply for unwed woman and later for unwanted pregnancy. In England, a rise of infertility due to careful activity, led to less abortions. While not illegal is some areas, it was still offered just not used as much.

As for why I support abortion, it is clear. Woman have died and struggled through history to just escape a pregnancy. Children shouldn't be forced upon someone and we should be counting our luck on how many of our sisters, mothers and aunts that have access to safe medical practices and are still alive today. Abortion will always be there, whether we like it or not. Outlawing it only leads to unsafe practices.

The History of Abortion and Why I Support It
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