Words Can Be A Dangerous "Weapon". Are You Careful About How You Use Them?

Be careful how you word  things!!
Be careful how you word things!!

It's not always the words used that are bad words or hurtful words, it's how they're used. People always say words can't hurt, but that is so untrue.

I'm sure everyone young or old has heard this saying:

Words can and do hurt!
Words can and do hurt!

However that saying came to be, I don't know because it is so far off base. This rings more true to me:

Bones heal faster than emotional scars!
Bones heal faster than emotional scars!

Sometimes we may use words that unintentionally hurt people. But more times than not, people purposely use words to hurt someone. And think because they're just words, it's ok.

But when you intentionally hurt someone repeatedly with words to make someone feel less secure about themselves, or constantly berate and insult that is verbal abuse. And can be just as damaging as other forms of abuse.

Think before you speak
Think before you speak

Before you say something, think if it is something you'd be okay with someone saying to you. If not, then maybe you shouldn't say it then.

And why are you saying what you're saying? Just to be hurtful? If you're trying to be honest with someone, that is a good thing. Even if it's a delicate subject, or you're bringing up something that person does that you don't like or approve of. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do that.


A. You look trashy in that outfit.

B. I don't want people to label you as trashy because of your outfit.

Example A comes off more as insult to the person while B is more about the outfit itself.

Be the positive, not the negative
Be the positive, not the negative

Some words just sound like bad words or negative, but really it's the way we use them that make them so.

Words like hate, disgusting, and ugly.

But when used in a more positive than negative way, aren't so bad.


A. I hate you. (negative)

B. I hate doing chores (positive)

A.You're a disgusting person (negative)

B. That was a disgusting movie (positive)

A. You're so ugly (negative)

B. Do you think these shoes are ugly? (positive)

Words kill credibility
Words kill credibility

Words don't just negatively affect the person they're directed at. Words can also have a negative effect on the way people view you.

Words can reflect who you are
Words can reflect who you are

The words you use, the way you speak to people can have a positive or negative reflection on the way people see you/view you as a person.

If you are always using words to insult or anger someone or that's the only way you feel you can get your point across, it will work negatively for you. People are only going to see/ hear the negative, and the anger and the point you were trying to make gets lost . You risk losing friends and relationships when that's the only way you know how to interact with people.

So again, think before you speak. Words spoken out of anger or out of hate, once spoken are never forgotten.

Forgiven, maybe but forget? Not always
Forgiven, maybe but forget? Not always

Please always remember to use your words wisely, for your own sake, and for the sake of others.

As always, thank you for reading ♥️


Words Can Be A Dangerous "Weapon". Are You Careful About How You Use Them?
Post Opinion