Let's talk about equality between the genders (pls read everything)


Hyy! I recently have seen this subject a lot on the internet. There are so many opinions on this. Please read what i have to say. You can comment to discuss about it, but please keep it respectful. I am not here to attack anyone or look for a fight.

I myself am a feminist. Lately i have seen that people say feminists want more power than men. Sorry to break it to you, but that isn't a feminist. We just want to be treaten the same and have the same right. Just equality. Then when i tell people this, they say things like;

'but you already got the same righs' or 'equal rights, equal fights'

I hope people know that not every country in the world has the same rights for woman. A woman in India was being tied up to a tree, because she talked back to her husband. The whole village saw this and did nothing. How is that equal? Then let's continue to the 'equal rights, equal fights'. If a woman hits you, i will not be the person to tell you to not hit her back. It's wrong what she did for sure. But you do not need to hit her as hard as you can. I mean how is that fair? Some men say it's 'equal', but still. As much as i like to say we are equal, genders are not the same. Men are build stronger in general. That's just a fact. So if both genders give all they have in a fight, the strength they use is absolutely not the same. It's not fair. Beside that, if we are talking about equality, why does that mean woman have to fight like a man? Why can't a man handle it like a woman. By as example, talking?

Beside this, woman are still not being treaten the same. They get paid less than men. Why? Most of us are scared to walk alone at night and at day. Why? Please stop using 'men are also afraid of this' or 'men get robbed more than woman' as argument. It still is different. Most men don't get catcalled. Yes you might get robbed more, but by who? BY OTHER MEN. It really is different for a woman. If we wear a croptop, we get called words. If we get sexually assaulted, the first question is 'what were you wearing?'. It's not an excuse. Even if a woman ran around naked but would not want to be touched, she is not asking for it at all. No is no and stop is stop. I am not gonna say that woman have it worse, because men also have their problems. Let's talk about those.

Men also have their problems. I am sorry you have to go through those. Before i say something about that, i still want to mention something. Whenever a woman talks about men problems it's like, 'thank you for understanding' but when a woman talks about woman problems it's like, 'euh we also have problems? you really want more power huh?'. How is that equal? We should talk about both. Beside that, it's not a competition. Who cares who has it harder? We should help each other out, not put each other down. Life is not men vs woman. Everytime i hear a woman talking about her period the comments are like 'being kicked in the balls hurt more', okay? I mean you sure don't get kicked in the balls every month? And the pain is different for every single human. Some men even said 'woman are not strong for giving birth. It's natural, get over it'. Then when we talk back, we are a 'dishwasher' or a 'snowflake'. sorry for standing up for woman i guess.

Okay men, i am sorry society taught you to man up. To not cry, to be strong, to look good, the fair of being a failure. That is absolutely awful. I know guys also can be insecure, even tho they never show it. That's why i personally stand up for them when i see a girl putting down a men. As example when they call him a 'stick' or make fun of his weight. Whenever i do this, i randomly become a 'pick me' girl? Like i am standing up for someone. It doesn't matter which gender, i am standing up for a fellow HUMAN. Whenever i try to understand boys and let them know they are worth it, i belong to the streets. c'mon, like wut?

I have a lot more to say, but my head is full atm lol. Anyways, if you want to reply, do it. We can discuss it, with respect. Be respectful pls. I really hope someone reads this. I just had to write it down since it ANNOYED ME. One more thing, when feminists talk about woman, it doesn't mean they don't care about men. If she is putting down men, then she isn't a feminist.

Also please be open to other opinions. Try to understand other point of views.

How it should be
How it should be
No offense but this is true
No offense but this is true
Let's talk about equality between the genders (pls read everything)
14 Opinion