Is there any trait or characteristic about yourself that many people wish they had, but you find to be more of a hindrance or annoyance?

Is there any trait or characteristic about yourself that many people wish they had, but you find to be more of a hindrance or annoyance?


Being smart.

Everybody thinks they want to be smart. Shit, most people think they are until I show up and just be myself. And I get so much hate, so much jealousy, so many people biting at my heels trying to hamstring me, so many people in power trying to get rid of me, cut me down or make me look bad... And even if it wasn't for other people.... Being smart doesn't make me happier. It doesn't make me richer. It sure as shit doesn't make my life easier. Ignorance really is bliss. Seeing all the problems doesn't make them go away. Seeing the chains on people, seeing the way out, seeing how good life actually Should be doesn't change a dam thing when there are 6 billion people working to keep the status quo, 2 billion who just don't give a shit, and 100,000 tyrants trying to keep it that way.

I'll tell you why smart people are so much more likely to kill themselves. Because if you think this is as good as it gets, you have a chance at being content. Playing the game, maybe even coming out ahead, better than you ever thought possible. But if you know none of us really have to suffer, you know how we could be living Instead, and all you see is fucking zombies, killing themselves and the planet to make Jeff Bezos a Trillionaire... Man, there's no way to be happy with that shit. There is no way to be content. Life is only going to be pain for you. Anger. Hopeless. Disgust. Pity. It's fucking miserable.

Best case scenario, you run away like a dam coward and leave your friends to be eaten. Worst case, you tell them the truth and they beat you down, call you crazy, and sell you out to the slave drivers so they can keep working for peanuts. And you die knowing they will remember you as the bad guy.

My own mother sold me out to those people for telling her to leave me alone because she just doesn't learn. She's fucking crazy, I'm not, but they know that so I'm the one they want to disappear. I'm a threat to the people in power, and they've convinced my own family I need "treatment" "for my own safety"

Snowden is a genius. He had everything. He was literally one of the most powerful people in the world. He lost pretty much everything. He's basically a Russian prisoner now. He did it for us and people won't even stand up and take 1/1000th of that risk for him. He risked his life, his family's lives, the woman he loved, and exposed their #1 weapon. But people are so clueless it didn't change anything. It's only gotten worse. I think the most important thing he said was that before he came out of that room and told the world the truth, they were invincible. Because anyone who caught on, anyone who actually found the truth, and talked about it... Well of course they denied everything. Destroyed the evidence, locked that person up in a psychiatric ward and said they were crazy. And you bet your ass they made sure they didn't get out until they were. And people actually believed the government was there to help.

That's what they did to me. The drugs they have in there are fucking weapons. Not all of them, there are a lot of good doctors and scientists who want to help people... But you'd have to be a fool to think they don't have people in labs working on a "cure" for dissent. Soma is a joke, they've been perfecting the real shit for decades. They're just smart enough to keep it secret.

I know how to play their game so they couldn't stick me with it, but I saw what they did to the girl who fell in love with me while I was there. That shit would give the joker nightmares. And I have to live with the fact that I let it happen because I was too busy trying to get myself out and save my finances. Not that I did... I got out but, they took everything I had. I have to sit here thinking I could have saved her too, and I have to wonder if they did it to her because she cared about me. She's tough shit, She fought it for years and she didn't lose... But she'll probably never be the same again. Stronger maybe, but not happier. And she's one of the lucky ones.

People think they want to be smart. People think they want to see the strings that control the system but they really don't. You'll either be strangled with them while your friends call you crazy, or you'll have to live with the guilt of becoming one of the bad guys. Joe Biden isn't smart, but the people in charge are fucking brilliant. And I haven't met them, but I can tell you right now they aren't any happier than I am.

I have met some of them. I used to work at a high end country club a few hours from DC. We had plenty of political VIP's billionaires, people who didn't have names... People who come have whatever they wanted without even asking. They were all miserable. That's how I know I'd rather die screaming while my friends and family throw rocks at me. Pain is temporary, but you can't buy away the guilt. You can't drink it away with a million dollars at a world class resort. Nah. If you're smart, you are going to suffer no matter which road you choose. Might as well take the one you can be proud of.

But let me tell you, I'd rather not know so much. That's still not a choice you want to make. I wish I didn't see how all the parts fit together, cus plenty of dumbasses build dirt bikes and go ride them. That's all I want to do, but they don't have small dogs biting them from behind and chemical weapons pointed at their friends. I don't get to be happy. I don't get to live my dreams. I could, but I have bigger problems.

I don't want to be smarter than other people. I want us all to be smart together, or I want to re-roll and be happy instead. Superman didn't get paid for fighting Lex Luther. He screamed in agony, alone, a cave nobody even knew about. And at least he had parents who cared enough to tell him he was doing the right thing. Mine say I'm a burden because I'd rather sacrifice myself to help people find freedom than profit off keeping them in cages.

People think they want to be smart, but real shit, they have no idea what they are asking for. Being dumb has its downsides, but it has its benefits too. Being average is actually the best way to get ahead. But there's a reason you don't see a lot of happy geniuses. You see the truth, you either lose your mind, lose your heart, or suffer every day trying to change things. There's no way to just sit back and be happy with that.

Look in Mark Zuckerberg's eyes and ask yourself if you think he's happy. That man looks more tortured than a Holocaust survivor... because at least there was a way out for them. Hitler killed himself because there wasn't.

I'm not saying I feel bad for these people. They deserve every bit of that pain. But I am saying they aren't happier than I am. Sure, I might be afraid to close my eyes, leave my house or drink bottled water... But at least I can feel good about myself. Taking the money is like taking Consuela's gold. You might think you're happy at first but you'll find out what's really important to you and you'll never taste an apple again.

Being smart is worse than that. Because you have to live with knowing your choice is to be tortured and targeted or Capitan Barbosa begging for a death that doesn't come. And the knowledge that it doesn't have to be that way, but it's probably never going to change because the people who don't know better would rather kneecap you and take your peanuts than take second place in paradise.

Me, I'd gladly let someone else do it. I don't want to be rich or famous. But if the people who want to win so badly actually had the ability to do so they wouldn't have to try to stop me from getting far enough ahead to change things.

They don't want to build something better, they want to be the fattest rat because they think that's what it means to be happy.

I want to build self sustaining houses for 30 grand so people can quit paying rent and spend that money on themselves. And I've got the plans to do it. That's why the powerful can't have me making money and buying lumber. They need that rent to keep people working all day and hand them all the profits.

But the same idiots who don't want to do that for their whole life, gang up on me because they can't handle that I know all the parts of the truck without taking the class. Help the boss make excuses to throw me out and not let me get a CDL, so they can look smart, make the $40k and hand it right back, be stuck on the road for 20 years getting nowhere and making someone else rich.

And now I can't afford the tools I need to give them another option. . .

People don't have a clue what's going on.

I WISH I was dumb enough to think that way. I'd be the fucking best at it. But I've tried it and I'll never be happy holding other people back just so I can have the comfy cell.

Being smart is a curse. People don't wish they were as smart as me. I wish they were as smart as me, so they could suffer like I do and start doing something about it.

But that's asking way too much.
People can't handle that, so they just gang up and peck my legs out like a pack of frightened chickens.

Nah, It doesn't help to be the swan in a world full of ducks. Not when all they want is to be better than the next guy. That just makes you the one target everyone can agree to gang up on.

"Lex Luthor, Ruler of Australia"
"Lex Luthor, Ruler of Australia"


Is there any trait or characteristic about yourself that many people wish they had, but you find to be more of a hindrance or annoyance?
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