This is MyTake on why I believe I am a real woman and why I use the term cisgender.


You have the right to believe what you want and if you believe someone has to be born in a female body to be a real woman that's your right just don't expect me to agree with it or care much for you as a person. I'd rather you just stop reading than post a comment written to make me feel bad. I don't understand why people enjoy making me feel bad.

First I'm an individual I'm not part of a lgbt "community." My community is the hillbillies in my town. And I don't care if you think Caitlyn Jenner or anyone else is a real woman but I sure the fuck am. I'm not used to life as a man, I've never experienced it. I'm 27 and I've already been trans for half my life. Everyone respects me and calls me she because I'm fish as fuck. I stopped male puberty at 15 and never was a man.

I consider myself a real woman because my body doesn't determine anything about me as a person. I don't understand how people expect me to just stop being the person I am. I've always felt like a woman and I always will.

Gender roles and stereotypes has nothing to do with it. People say I should just be a feminine man. I'm not trans because I'm feminine, I'm trans because I'm not a man. I'm a woman and not even a very feminine woman, but still more feminine than a feminine man. Because I'm a woman.

I'm going to give you examples of how I feel like a woman that has nothing to do with gender roles and stereotypes. Firstly, I grieve so hard over the fact that I can't have children. Being childless is the biggest pain of my life. Men feel good about getting a woman pregnant and being a father. I could never let another woman be my baby's mother. And she'd have me by the nuts, she could leave me for somebody richer and take the kids while I'm stuck paying child support. Fuck no. I'm going to be my child's mother or I'm not having a child.

Second, I hate my penis. Men love their dicks. I think it's uncomfortable and weird. It's always there and so uncomfortable. It always needs adjusted. It feels weird to use during sex, especially getting it sucked. And making that motion feels awkward as fuck. My idea of sex isn't watching someone lay there enjoying themselves while I just flop around hoping I do a good job.

I'm attracted to men. But if I looked like an attractive man I would feel like a monster. I couldn't imagine my body being covered in developed hair. I feel bad for cis women with dark arm hair. I would cry if my face was scratchy and if I had visible ass and back hair. And if I had visible arm veins. I would feel hideous. I never felt happy looking in the mirror until my cousin dressed me up like a girl when I was 7 and if I looked in the mirror and saw a 27 year old man I would kill myself. I don't know how men are ok with it.

And about that word cis- cisgender- people think it's a made up word and even an insult lol. It's no more made up than the word transgender. Cis is a Latin prefix just like trans is. Cis means "the same side of" while trans means "the other side of" I will always call you cis despite how it makes you feel because it's simply what you are. I'm not calling you real or normal or natural or biological or genetic or anything that implies you're better than I am or more authentic than I am. Before I discovered the word "cisgender" I used to call cis girls "normal girls" which as you can imagine wasn't very good for my self esteem.

This is what it is. I'm a woman. And you can't change that. My body may be male but I'm not a man and never was and I'm going to use every opportunity modern science provides to make my body imitate a female body as much as possible.

And if you think I'm attractive or ask me to suck your dick and I do- I didn't trick you. My body isn't a disguise. I'm not a man in a woman costume. IM IN MY BODY. What I look like isn't a trick, it's literally just WHAT I LOOK LIKE. I never even had surgery like these other girls. I just take hormones and that's it. And if you think I'm attractive it's because you found a woman attractive not because a man tricked you into thinking he's a woman. Peace.

Im a grown 27 year old MAN! *beats hairy chest* AAAAAHHHHH!!!!
I'm a grown 27 year old MAN! *beats hairy chest* AAAAAHHHHH!!!!
This is MyTake on why I believe I am a real woman and why I use the term cisgender.
6 Opinion