Interjecting Logic in to the Word "Phobic" and its Implications

An Honest Discussion
An Honest Discussion

Before I start, I want to say I hold no claim to any political affiliations. I refuse to allow anyone to place me in to some box and then label me with whatever tag they see fit to tag me with. I am a very complex individual and my interpretations and my objective views of political topics seldom align nor gain support from either position or opposition of any given political parties.

I am not for nor against any political parties because I am of the mindset that I believe the two primary political parties of the United States should live within a symbiotic relationship in order to form a unified and balanced government. In order to have a balanced government we need the compassion and outside the box thinking of the Democratic party and its voters as well as the realist and logical mindset of the Republican party and its voters. If one political party dominates the other, chaos ensues and that would be way too much power for any one political party to have. We need both if we want to continue to live free or we will be forced to kneel before one or the other if any one political party were to stamp out of existence the opposing faction. There would be nothing or anyone left to oppose any radical ideas that would most certainly spawn if any side were to gain total dominance over the other.
I understand that people on the left do not want to admit they need those on the right nor do the people on the right want to admit that they need the people on the left in order to maintain a free society. As much as one side hates the other, we must live in a symbiotic relationship with one another if we wish to remain a free people of any free societies.

I also would like to point out that I am a supporter of the LGTBQ community, however, this does not mean that I am in support of everything that is LGBTQ. Just because I support the community and what it stands for does not mean that I support every idea or belief they share. It simply means on average, I support what they stand for and in general their ideas.

Having said that, I have just learned by way of reading and watching random videos; that by very definition of the way the word is interpreted by some members of the LGBTQ community, that I am "transphobic." This does not mean that I agree and this does not mean that the definition by their standards is correct, but it does mean that according to many who would consider themselves to be proponents of the "woke" culture, I am a transphobic man. Allow me to explain...

So today I got bored and decided to surf youtube and I came to a video that caught my pause. It was intriguing to me to see a woman's stance on transgenders participating in women's sports and how the women of those sports feel about the subject; since seldom do we hear the opinions of the woman that feel negatively affected by this change. Typically the only people we hear from are men and people who are transgender, both of which have a placating affect on the voice of women. Now, this woman covered much more than this, but considering she was a woman, I felt the best perspective to listen to on how this issue affects women would be best heard from a woman.

So after watching a video on youtube titled, "The erasure of women", I was forced to ask myself a question...

If I as a straight male say, "I don't date transgenders," does that make me trans-phobic? I do not believe so nor had the thought ever occurred to me. So I looked it up via a google search.

Well according to an article I read online titled, "When you say I would never date a Transwoman."

And then another titled, "India Willoughby: Is it discriminatory to refuse to date a trans woman?"

And yet another titled, "Is Refusing to Date Trans People Transphobic?"

It would seem that I would be deemed trans-phobic by many people who self proclaim themselves to be part of the "woke community." This was alarming.

So if we can say that based on these articles that it is a factual statement that I am trans-phobic, simply because I will not date trans-men or trans-women, then by that logic, for the simple fact that I will not date gay men, we can also say that I am to be considered homophobic?

I am sure that anyone with any small amount of intelligence can see where I am going with this.

This can be taken a step further if for say that; if I don't date outside of my race; would that make me also a racist? Now, for the sake of argument, I actually would date outside of my race. However, if I didn't...would that make me a racist? I wouldn't think somebody racist who refuses date outside their race, I would consider and respect their preferences on who they choose to date and would not even think to question why they stand by this preference. Quite frankly, as far as I am concerned, it would be no different than somebody who refuses to date red heads, or somebody who dislikes blonds, which would be none of my business. People have a right to preference.

Judging from what I have seen and read, I can deduce that there seems to be this huge movement to make straight men (I mean, I am straight for a reason, it happens to align with my sexual preferences) feel somehow lesser of a human being with lack of compassion simply for having a preference for being straight and only wishing to be with people of the opposite sex who are also straight.

If I am a straight male and I date a biological male who has transitioned to that of a woman, I wouldn't really be able to call myself a straight male anymore and do so without knowingly hiding the truth that I am not a member to which I claim membership to, would I? At that point I would no longer have the right to label myself as a straight male if I knowingly dated a trans-woman or a gay male. The definition of being a straight individual is someone who will only date and have sexual relations with a member of the opposite sex. So if I were to go off the logic of woke culture, by being a straight person of any sex, you are automatically transphobic, homophobic and any other phobia that can sprout from that point on.

So with this reasoning, I have to ask the real question here...are straight people under pressure to stop being straight? Or would this be something that I am overthinking and this would be considered thoughts of somebody who is dangerously close to believing conspiracy theories? Although to me this does not seem to be a conspiracy when the evidence is right in your face, it does however seem to be a pressure that is being placed on straight males and females with the unintentional or intentional side affect of making straight males and females feel guilty for being straight.

If I am wrong and all of these things do indeed make me homophobic or trans-phobic, does this same logic not apply to lesbian women or gay men? If a lesbian woman refuses to date straight males, does that make her cis-phobic? What if a lesbian female refuses to date a trans-woman? That still makes her trans-phobic by definition, does it not?

Why? Why is society, knowingly or unknowingly, attempting to convince everyone that we must do away with sexual preferences and the only way to be accepted in to the new world that the woke community is pushing for, is if everyone were to transition in to being pansexual? For clarity, the word pansexual is a term applied to somebody who has zero preferences to whom they will date or have sexual relations with. This means they will be with anyone who will be with them, be it they are trans, straight, bi, or any other sexual terminology.

The world today as it exists today, is just not my personal cup of tea if all of this is to ring true. If this is the truth and not just something I am grossly misinterpreting, then I truly feel bad for people who are being born and then brought up in today's world. If my interpretations are factual, I foresee a huge backlash from the new generations to come and the anger they will have for society because they are being forced in to a world where they are told that they are somehow inherently bad for going with the very grain of their natural selection instincts, rather than turning off those instincts and living out their lives as pansexuals, even though they are not. It doesn't take a degree in psychology to see the negative impact this will have on generations to come, nor does it require an above average intelligence to see how their reaction might be to that type of forced social standards.

If none of this is the reality, then we really need to carefully redefine the word "phobic" because as it stands now, that word is being applied far outside the intended reaches of the word and being used as a system of pressure rather than what it is supposed to be used for. It is being used as a tool to bend people's views to the will of others rather than being used to call out people who truly are hateful of other people's differences.

I'm honestly unsure if many people, if any at all, will comment on behalf of the premise I make with this post...nobody wants to rub the woke genie lamp wrong these days out of fear of the woke creating a social media fecal storm against them, so most will stay quiet on such matters. But I am fairly certain that I am asking the questions that a lot of folks would be asking if not for fear of retaliation for asking such questions. So I am stepping up to the plate and asking out this interpretation correct? Is this what is truly going on? If not, this is the impression that many people are getting when we read such articles as what was posted.

Thoughts? And do please make an honest attempt to keep this conversation civil. If we are indeed a civilized people, let the conversation below give proof to the accusation that humans are a civilized people.

Thank you.

Interjecting Logic in to the Word "Phobic" and its Implications
1 Opinion