Don't fall for Gender Issue Grifters!


I've been thinking about this for a while. There will always be lot of young men who haven't found their direction, don't know themselves well yet and I agree that life for a young man is pretty shitty. Like everybody thinks you have it the best everybody has high expectations of you but nobody cares about you.

So it can be very tempting to listen to people online who actually talk about things like they get what you're going through, they make content that's actually targeting you and not the general public.

But it can lead you to very dark places. In the beginning it's just about being understood but then the blame starts coming in. Who's fault is it that things are difficult for you? It's feminists and women, liberals etc.

Traditional conservative lifestyle is better for everyone but these leftists are ruining it etc. This is what it always leads to. In the end you'll feel like the whole world is your enemy and is victimizing you in some way. You'll always be angry and that is very dangerous. If you're not careful it can happen without you really noticing, until you wake up and ask yourself how did I get to this place?

Dont fall for Gender Issue Grifters!

Jordan Peterson is honestly the worst because he comes across so innocent. He just wants guys to clean up their room and be disciplined and have purpose. And then he talks about traditionally masculine and feminine characters in movies and stories and he's a professor so it all comes across very academic and professional but it still leads to the same place. There's a broad spectrum of channels some are more lighthearded and funny some(most) are more based on outrage and ridicule but it's the combined effect that's th problem if you get sucked into this world view and see everything through this lens it's not good for you.

In the end none of these people care about you either they're just taking advantage of the uncertainty and struggle you're going through to make themselves relevant and successful and make money. And people aren't actually as bad as it may seem to you. Women are actually great and if you can restore your inner peace then you will be able to see that as well.

Thank you for reading :)

Don't fall for Gender Issue Grifters!
19 Opinion