For the Black community: Is it time to give up on White activism?


This is one of those difficult topics I tend to find myself thinking about from time to time. I find myself in a constant dilemma. On the one hand, I have been called an ape/monkey/ni**er etc by racist white people, and so have many other Black people. On the other hand, I have White friends that I would take a bullet for, and they would do the same for me too. However, it's more complicated than that.

For the Black community: Is it time to give up on White activism?

To understand what I mean by the title, let's take it back a few steps. You see, if you are reading this and you are a Conservative/right-winger, you can click off right now, because this mytake is not for you. Far-right politics and racism are so in your face, it is very easy to identify and detect. This is to address all the centrists/liberals who speak on Black issues.

Politically, I identify as a centrist. Most of my friends are either centrists or liberals. The same people that have mostly posted a Black square on their Instagram page on June the 2nd, 2020 and have gone quite ever since. The same that have elected the author of the notorious 1994 crime bill that have caused mass incarceration of Black men, under support of Republicans and Democrats, and a woman who was a DA and got many Black people locked up for petty charges. They have elected a man who in his campaign talked about how police brutality is a real issue, and then after he was elected said that the only way to end police violence is "funding the police".

But that's just one piece of the puzzle. You see, a lot of you reading this might have people in your family that are racist, bit you don't say anything because you love them. "It's harmless" you think. "My parents are good people, they are just ignorant". Nobody is telling you to hate your relatives, just correct them in the most polite way you can. You don't to be disrespectful either, but bringing up the topic serves a greater good than not mentioning anything about ignorant comments.

Now, let's talk about political outcomes. Let's talk about how Biden was nominated as a representative of the Democratic party over Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Let's talk about how they most white people still vote Republican, and the one's that do vote Democrat do so because "it's the party of the lesser evil". Truth be told, all this is about is a popularity contest of which White supremacist should be put in power, all while the Black community continues to suffer from over-policing and more COVID deaths. And this isn't just about the last election, but historically Black people were always asked to be patient and that "change is coming", only to have their agenda swiped under the rug after the election. Now all of a sudden, climate change and stimulus checks are more important issues than his campaign promise of ensuring police accountability, when he famously said "if you don't vote for me you ain't Black".

I don't believe the answer is joining the other side, the side that started the Vietnam War, War on drugs, the "super predators" term on young Black youth, invasion if Iraq and supported insseructionists to break into the Capitol is the answer to that either. I believe more and more people should see the flaws in a system that doesn't work, and try their best to change it.

Unfortunately, I do not have the answers to the issue, but it doesn't take away the pain that Black people have experienced. And if you are Black and are reading this, ask yourself the same question. Are we expecting too much? Should we give up on the idea of White America changing? Or is the answer to be "more patient?"

For the Black community: Is it time to give up on White activism?
16 Opinion