If you were President of the USA, what would be the top 10 things you would change?

One of the best POTUS that put America First!
One of the best POTUS that put America First!

I got asked by an older friend recently, if I were POTUS (not the Puppet of the United States), what would be the top 10 things I would do when I got in Office to FIX our country?

They told me their's.

Please be polite and tell me what your top 10 would be. Here are mine:

#1) 10% flat income tax. No loop holes, no deductions.
#2) 1 Bill, 1 Law. No putting other things into a Bill to become Law. No more hidden pay raises. Laws would be approved or denied faster.
#3) Close the Border! If you want to come to the USA, do it through approved Portals of Entry.
#4) Round up and Deport all Illegal Aliens. Not just mexicans, but all of them. California already gives them Driver's Licenses and they register as Undocumented. Easy for ICE to look them up, find them, and send them "home".
#5) 100% Voter ID required. To be a citizen, you have to read, write and speak English and have an ID. This means no more ballets in languages NOT in English. NO ID, No Vote.
#6) Term Limits on all members of Congress and the House. NO more Pelosi, Kennedy, etc serving for "essentially" life and becoming rich off of the citizens!
#7) Put America and it's citizens First. No more money to other countries, Until our citizens are not poor, living in poverty, living on the street, etc.
#8) Honor our Veterans. Free Healthcare, and financial Support if they cannot work. No more of our Veterans living on the Street and in poverty! They fought for our country! They deserve to be taken care of for the rest of their lives!
#9) Cut Welfare! It was initiated by Roosevelt as part of his New Deal to get people back on their feet. It was for Widows, orphans, and the disabled. No more paying women to have babies some baby daddy doesn't want to support. (you can be on Welfare assistance for one year. During that time, you get trained to do a good paying job, but no more free money for some other man's kids. AND OMG, Food Stamp/EBT cards are to be monitored closely. I dealt with many guys that pay $0.50 on the dollar in cash to get a woman's EBT Card so she can buy cigarettes and beer, while the guy uses her card)
#10) Reorganize our Governmental structure so there are not duplicate departments doing the same work! This cuts waste of money, corruption, and like in the movie Dave (Kevin Klein was an actor standing in for the dead president), cut useless spending on things corrupt politicians are using to line their own pockets! (remember in the 1980's the $700 toilet seats, $42 # 2 pencils, etc.)

If you were President of the USA, what would be the top 10 things you would change?
38 Opinion