If you're an animal lover, you shouldn't support factory farming.


To clarify, factory farming is a method of agriculture that cheapens the way we acquire animal products at the cost of the animal's comfort. Most species of livestock have intelligence equal to that or greater than dogs themselves, so if you support the deaths of livestock but an animal not viewed as food such as a dog, cat, or horse, then that'd be hypocrisy.

You can watch Dominion (2018) Full Documentary for free on Youtube for more context.

#veganism #animals

Benefits of veganism:

-Lab-grown meat is healthier

-On a plant-based diet we could thwart global warming by a huge margin as cows produce methane which is one of if not the biggest contributors to the destruction of the ozone layer. It's very environmentally friendly.

-Plants can help you live longer and become overall healthier (that is if you ate the correct diet)(It's great for your skin too)

-You're less likely to acquire chronic diseases

-Millions of animals could be saved from needless suffering

-Processed/red meats aren't healthy for you, as they are dubbed a group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization

-Plant-derived foods don't have to taste like utter garbage. There are plenty of online vegan recipes and meat alternatives that you could try.

My sources:

-Any Earthling Ed/CosmicSkeptic vegan-related video

-livescience.com / 7-perfect-survival-foods

-chooseveg.com / 7 facts you probably didn't know about vegans

-who.int (World Health Organization) / questions and answers / cancer carcinogenicity fo the consumption of red meat and processed meat

If youre an animal lover, you shouldnt support factory farming.
If you're an animal lover, you shouldn't support factory farming.
9 Opinion