If you want power, release power


Foreword: my thoughts here are incomplete and drift rapidly. Appreciate it for what it is.

Everything we do is interpreted by others as an attempt at influence.

-The Laws of Human Nature

In the modern world, the internet is where many people get a release of the inner tension of real life. They're free from the anxiety put on them by their parents, teachers and class mates as children that they have since internalized as their "conscience". This false conscience gives them extreme pleasure. Because it allows them to satisfy aggressive impulses...on themselves. Hence social anxiety.

Also in the modern world, little small towns are increasingly irrelevant. Before the bubonic plague, all that existed were farm houses and cities. Cities houses citizens. Who could manufacture shoes, clothes, etc. And would allow for an easier time finding food at a local shop. Most people still lived in the countryside though. And they were "serfs" to "lords" who paid them nothing in return for them devoting their life to the land. They got to eat, they got clothed, they got to have sex and children, and they got to fight as pawns. Thrilling life.

Then the bubonic plague killed half of the population. Thus freeing up land. Thus increasing the cost of labor. Thus leading to the remergence of the employee who demanded money for his work. Thus increasing exploration. Thus increasing curiosity. Thus the university. Thus the death of the slave religion known as Christianity. Thus the Renaissance. Thus the not so modern world.


War makes us who we are. The poets were men who hated conflict. But contending powers set the world right.

-Fragments, Heraclitus

In an era of total peace, our aggressive instincts are increasingly redirected towards ourselves. Now you should understand why the stereotypical wise guys (yes that's derogatory) like Jordan Peterson tell you to "Take responsibility." (Like who would blame a starved, beaten dog for being distrusting and aggressive? Why should anyone feel MORE guilty about themselves? Jordan Peterson and all the other "stoic" slaves are evil.)

Instead of feeling the anger you deserve to feel, they tell you to repress it. Because it's dangerous, and conflict avoiding pussies hate dangerous people. Ironically, they express their hatred towards you as "guidance." Whereas their guidance is for you to ignore your sense of indignation that you were abused.

What you are looking for is an epicurean to lead you. Sorry for the obscurity. An epicurean is someone who values happiness. It's different than a so called stoic who emphasizes that life is miserable, sleep on rocks, eat bland food, repress anger "because the body is mere muscle." Gay shit like that.

In other words, you're looking for Jesus Christ. Who actually mimicked what a Germanic warlord was like. A healthy mix of philosophy and aggression. People don't know this but Christ actually said "I come to bring a sword. Not peace." In other words he wanted you to see who your enemies are and to fight them. Just as Heraclitus had said to do.

Marcus Aurelius was one of the few stoic kings of Rome. And he failed to defeat the German barbarians. The one man who came closest to defeating them was Julius Caesar himself. Who stole the social structure of the barbarians and implemented it in his own army. Caesar wrote a book on the various barbarians. Noting that the Gauls (French and Britons) were already more civilized than the barbarians across the Rhine (vikings). Although the almost physically indistinguishable, the vikings spoke a different language. And on average were taller with bigger muscles. This fact remains true today of Germans and Scandinavians when you compare them to the French, Irish, and Russians.

If Marcus Aurelius was a bit more like Caesar, promoting the personal welfare of his troops instead of preaching their life "vanishes like the wind", maybe Rome would have conquered the barbarians and their empire never would've crumbled. Stoicism is for slaves. In a world where we all seek power...free yourself from that toxic masculinity.


Those who try to save their life will lose it.

-Jesus Christ

Boiled down, christ was anti-toxic masculinity. He opposed the strict, rigid, almost autistic social elitism of the pharisees. The autism that ultimately got the jews barred from working menial jobs by the romans. That got them persecuted for centuries. That got them thrown in internment camps in ww2 when 90% of them huddled within Germany...where 500 years beforehand, Martin Luther had said the jews were "driving down the highways and byways dressed as elitists, making their money off the work of germans" (On the Jews and their Lies). And even today they say things like "the Gentiles will sow and reap, the jews will sit and eat." They expect billions of dollars to fight antisemitism while they themselves blow up and kill semites living in palestine and iran.

Don't forget that they let any mixed kid be considered a Jew, so long as it has a Jewish mother. Probably because Jewish women understand how repugnant and autistic Jewish men are. Jews wouldn't survive a generation if they had to be pure blooded.

If you want power, release power
If you want power, release power
2 Opinion