A woman completes a man!


A woman completes a man!

Women are often seen as the weaker of the sexes, most men like to boost how they have over the years played with numerous women and most women complain how men don't give them the respect that is due but sadly what most men don't realize that their world would cripple if they didn't had women in their lives. At every point a man needs a woman and it is her presence that completes him.

Many men will question the title and women too might find it wrong but let me explain how in each rule a woman completes a man

  • Mother

The first interaction that a man has with a women is in her prime form, as a mother. From the minute a child is formed, it gets nuturing by a woman. It all starts in her belly where she provides him/her with all the necesary building blocks and protect at the cost of her own self. Then the minute the baby is born she accepts another role and is now the teacher as well, the first few years of a child's life are crucial and mothers are the ones who groom the child, from basic speech to etiquetes she is there at every step to give the child the much needed support and then ensures its safety.

  • Wife

The second important role in which a woman comes into a man's life is when she enters his life as a wife, humans as creatures are social which means we seek companionship and even though men often don't admit it but the best bonding they can have is with the person who is off the opposite gender. As a wife a woman sacrifices her entire life to be a part of someone elses, she brings with her a hope and stability and provides a man with all that could help him make a family of his own. She also acts as his strength by holding his hand when the times are tough and a beacon of hope when its dark, she is his therapist when he fails and his councilor when he feels all is lost.

These are just two of many forms in which woman shape our lives and without them we as males would not survive. It is time men started accepting them as equals (or hopefully better) then us.

A woman completes a man!
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