How to get this creepy guy to stop staring at me?

I have some classes with this creepy guy who constantly leans in to eavesdrop on my conversations, tries to walk by me all the time, tries to ask me idiotic questions to initiate conversation, and stares at me 24/7. When he stares he doesn't stop when he's caught and he gives this creepy serial killer smile the whole time and this all goes on for minutes at a time. In a class that we can pick seats in I sit way in the front but whenever I turn to talk to my friends he stares so much I feel violated. I've tried positioning myself to "hide" behind others and he just stands up or leans around them to stare more. He's really perverted, I've heard him making sexual jokes about myself and other girls. I'm so tired of this I've been putting up with it for the entire school year and it's not improving. I don't know what to do anymore. Whenever he tries to talk to me I either ignore him or act super b! tchy with 1 word responses but he won't stop. I have a chronic b! tch face but he still laughs and smiles like its fun and a game to make me feel uncomfortable. One of the teachers is so laid back that I think he won't take me seriously and the other is leaving for health reasons in a week.
How to get this creepy guy to stop staring at me?
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