Guys are you distracted by the way girls dress in school?

I'm sure you've heard a few of the stories of girl getting send home because their outfits didn't comply with the school's dresscode and was supposedly distracting boys

Guys are you distracted by the way girls dress in school?

Guys are you distracted by the way girls dress in school?

Guys are you distracted by the way girls dress in school?

So I'm not American and I have a bit trouble seeing the point in school dress codes. The way I see it playing fashion police is not in their job description and a gross waste of my tax money. Why do they care so much?
And this is not really an issue where I'm from but it came to my attention when I was picking up a friends brother from high school. I was waiting outside, when a teacher almost yelled at me about seeing the guidance counsellor, because my skirt was too short.

I was wearing a coat, high boots and tights so I really don't think it should have been an issue. Not that it's any of her buisness.

She just said it was against the rules and that she doesn't make the rules. But clearly she shouldn't blindly follow them either, especially not as a teacher. So I asked her why and she said because it was distracting the boys. Does it though? Does it really?

None of those are wearing lingerie. I find it quite offensive actually. I'm not in high school or a teenager but if I were I would have gone home crying that day and I don't think that's ok.
I also don't think a collorbone and tights are that distracting.
Maybe it is, I don't know, but really what can be done about teenagers thinking about sex? Have you turned on the TV? sex is everywhere boys just have to learn to live with it
Maybe what I was wearing was scandalous in the 50s, but guess what it's not 1950 anymore

other/ I'm a girl
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Guys are you distracted by the way girls dress in school?
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