Why did Jodi Arias get internet access and why do she have fans if she's a criminal in prison?

I thought American prisons were stricter than the Scandinavian ones and that Scandinavian lets prisoners keep more rights than the US. So I thinks it's weird she got internet access, so she could Skype with people. I'm also wondering why she have fans although she did a terrible crime.

Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian terrorist who killed more than 70 people, have a typically nice Norwegian prison cell. He does have a computer, but he has no access to the internet. But according to dailymail Jodi Arias spent hours on Skype.
Why did Jodi Arias get internet access and why do she have fans if she's a criminal in prison?
Link to Daily Mail article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2989437/Advising-15-year-old-girls-fake-IDs-smiling-Hershey-s-bars-chatting-fans-Jodi-Arias-spending-nine-hours-DAY-making-video-calls-cell.html

#JodiArias #Inmate #PrisonInternet
Why did Jodi Arias get internet access and why do she have fans if she's a criminal in prison?
7 Opinion