Will my kid be bullied for having curly, 4C hair?

Will my kid be bullied for having curly, 4C hair?

So as a kid I grew up with being told that white people have good hair and black peoples have bad hair. Both of my parents always straightened their hair with perms or cut their hair extremely short and wore wigs or hats over my mom says it's more socially acceptable and you fit in better with people. When she found out I didn't want to straighten my futures daughters hair she told me that my kid will look ugly, have no friends and be bullied in school. She says the reason I should straighten her hair is so she'll be beautiful and more socially acceptable to others. She was a bit upset and shocked when she found out that I wasn't straightening my future daughters hair for kindergarten or picture day at school. She says I'm setting my kid up to be bullied and have no friends because of her hair. Is this true?
Yes she will
No she won't
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Will my kid be bullied for having curly, 4C hair?
24 Opinion