Would you rather live in a dictatorship or an anarchy?

Explain why. I wants to hear what you thinks is the best and worst option. The options is a totalitarian dictatorship and a hardcore anarchy.

Dictatorship = When only a person or a small group of people have all of the power in a country. They're usually not voted at, but just takes the power without being choose. In addition people aren't allowed to be openly disagree or protest because of no freedom speech. People who don't obey the dictators either gets imprisoned, tortured, deported or executed in many dictatorships.

Anarchy = There's no government, leaders or any authority figures. There's no things like military or police either in a hardcore anarchy. There's no laws and it's an advantage for criminals.

#Anarchy #Dictatorship #Dilemma
Dictatorship (Explain Why)
Anarchy (Explain Why)
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Would you rather live in a dictatorship or an anarchy?
45 Opinion