So I've known this guy since forever! He's two years older than me, but his older brother and my older brother went to school together and were in the same class which is how him and I know each other, along with our parents. We lost contact for about 2 or 3 years after he graduated and we recently saw each other my 3 years ago. Since then, we haven't lost contact but we went out. He said it wasn't a date and his roommate and some girl he was talking to were going to come with us to watch a movie. Problem is when we left his dorm, because he picked me up and we went back to get his friend, it was just him and I. I thought maybe they were going to met us there, but when we got there they weren't there. It was a Friday night and he said his roommate's date had homework to do. So on our way to the movies he was talking about how he got screwed over by his ex who he really liked. &how he wants to find a girl who can get along with his roommates. Then he asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said no, he then asked why &I replied by saying I'm tired of the same bullsh*t, and getting hurt so Id rather stay single and focus on myself and school. When we got to the movies we paid for me after him saying it wasn't a date, and me arguing saying I can pay for myself. After that hang out we didn't talk. He never bothered to text me or call me so I moved on. I ended up getting with a guy 3 months later, and when I changed my status from single into a relationship he was the first to reply and say what? with who? I want details. When I said well hello to you too he was like hi! so details now! and I was like well what do you want to know. He then replied saying geez I'm just trying to be a friend and I just told him my boyfriends name. and he never replied. Until a couple months later and asked how things with my boyfriend and I were going. We stopped talking again. Until my boyfriend and I broke up. Then we started talking again. but on and off like always. He would send me random text messages like "I know this is random, but I want your eyes for me to have" at like 2 am in the morning. &recently we were talking and he asked me what I thought about him because my opinion is one that is very important to him. When I told him well I think its only fair that you tell me what you think about me first and then Ill tell you he never responded. &He then texted me almost 2 weeks later saying sorry he's been busy. We stopped talking again until he texted me randomly saying he was by my house. I then told him owh that's cool. &He just kept saying yeah I'm at my friends house who lives on the next block I just kept saying owh don't get lost. and just kept ignoring the fact that he was by my house until he just didn't respond and we haven't talked since. He's been a real douche, and he's always ignoring me now. When he never used to.
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