Should men have a say in abortion?

Yes he should
Should men have a say in abortion?
If a woman decides she doesn't want a baby, she can abort it without the husband's permission. And yet, if the man doesn't want the child, he will be forced to pay child support, because, they say, it takes two people to make a baby. Which is true. And men shouldn't be allowed to abandon their responsibilities. However, the same is true for the woman. She shouldn't be allowed to abandon her responsibilities of caring for the human who is alive. It takes two to make a baby, and the man should have an equal say in whether or not the child is aborted because it is his child too. He can't force a woman to get an abortion, and she shouldn't force him to have his child aborted.
Should men have a say in abortion?
For those who say that men should have no say, then I say that men shouldn't have to pay child support. If abortion is a woman's way out of her responsibility, then men should be allowed to simply leave, to get out of their responsibility.
Should men have a say in abortion?
But I believe neither should be legal. Both parents are responsible for the human they created.
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Should men have a say in abortion?
62 Opinion