What are your views on Pedophilia being normalised?

The LGBT community are trying to introduce pedophilia as a form of sexuality. Pedophilia is a disorder that you are sexually attracted to minors. It is sickening to think that people see these type of people as normal, although, some people feel sympathy for them and those very same people are attempting to use sympathy to sway your opinion into believing that these pedophiles who prey on children are suffering.
This is the only opening these sick people need to take advantage of. My view may be biased since I see myself as Republican, but, Liberalism is only pointing us into the direction of a world where anything you say will be offensive and soon enough lead us into a shit storm.
A YouTube channel named TheFuelProject made a video about this topic :
I agree with making pedophilia normal.
I disagree with making pedophilia normal.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I should probably add the correct definition of Hebephilia and Pedophilia. According to Wikipedia,
The definition of Pedophilia is being sexually attracted to children younger than 11.
The definition of Hebephilia is being sexually attracted to children 11 - 14 years old.
+1 y
I agree. Maybe the laws should be altered slightly to provide reassurance to those who prevent crime from happening, because currently justifiable beatings are in a gray area due to the sway in public opinion.
What are your views on Pedophilia being normalised?
17 Opinion