Do you always defend your country when someone is talking bad about it?

Just recently, I was having a discussion about my native country with a friend. (I'm was born in a different country but live in the U. S now). I got triggered when she started mentioning things like my country is poor and that people eat dirt there. I was shocked and suprised. Apparently, she saw one YouTube video of that happening and think she knows everything about my country now. I couldn't believe her ignorance. The video was a clear example of media exploitation for views too. Anyhow, her comment triggered me so I went on a whole rant and educated her about my country. Has that ever happened to you? Did someone ever bad mouthed your country? Did you defend your country or did you agree with the person instead?
Yes, I always defend my country
It depends on what people say
No, I don't defend because I agree with the insults about my country
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Do you always defend your country when someone is talking bad about it?
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