What are your thoughts on a 'TradThot'?

TradThot, or 'Traditional thot' or even more specifically, 'traditional that hoe out there' if you wanna break down what 'thot' is... It's a term used in the redpill community. It means a woman, usually a White alt-right blonde woman, who tries to display herself as traditional, feminine, conservative, all that with the underlying desire to grab attention of some kind, maybe to earn fame, money, or to attract men, and not necessarily because she holds those traditional values and beliefs truly from her heart. It's basically the Western version of a popular Muslim term 'hoejabi' 🧕 (hoe+hijabi in case you don't get it). Just like a hoejabi, a TradThot doesn't necessarily practice what she preaches.

The idea is that misogynistic redpill men are less desirable in the recent progressive feminist society, so TradThots feel like portraying the perfect image of being a 1950's housewife will get those type of men swarming towards them because women of that kind that they desire are rare.

A TradThot would display herself being dolled up in traditional vintage attire, looking perfect at all times, talk about cooking and cleaning and how amazing it is to be at home and how they have found their place there, and trash at any women disagreeing or even exposing them. They just say all other women are jealous that they have high market value, which is false.

I find a lot of TradThot claims bullshit. They think they are a big deal but the reality is, NO ONE CARES.
What are your thoughts on a 'TradThot'?
23 Opinion